Please use these stretches periodically throughout your workday.
Finger Stretch

- First make a fist and squeeze gently
- 1-3 second hold

- Next open your hands and spread the fingers as far as possible
- Hold 5-10 seconds
- Repeat 3 times on both hands
Forearm Stretch

- Stick 1 arm out straight
- Using other hand, grab fingers and pull back gently (Figure 1)
- Hold 5-10 seconds

- For a stronger stretch, flip forearm so that the underside is facing the ceiling
- Hold 5-10 seconds
Upper Back / Triceps Stretch

- Take your right arm and lift it over your head
- Bend at the elbow so that you touch the left shoulder with the right hand
- Take your left arm and grab your elbow
- Lightly pull the right elbow towards your left side

- Bend at the ribcage to the left
- Lightly hold this for 10-20 seconds
- Repeat on opposite side
Chest Stretch

- Lift both arms so that forearms are vertical and upper arms are horizontal (similar to the shape of a field goal)
- Slowly inhale as you try to bring your elbows towards your back

- Slowly exhale and lower elbows down and back
- Repeat 3 times
Neck Stretch 1

- Tilt your head to the right
- Use the weight of your right hand to rest on the left side of your head
- Do not pull down just let gravity do the job

- Hold for 5-10 seconds
- Repeat on left side
Neck Stretch 2

- Sit upright and look down
- Take both hands and rest it on the back of your head
- Do not pull down just let gravity do the job
- Hold 5-10 seconds
- Sit Upright and look up