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PHYS.5560 Radiative Processes in Astrophysics (Formerly 95.456/556)

Id: 038579 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Our knowledge of the universe beyond the Solar System is derived almost entirely from our interpretation of the radiation we receive from the universe; Our knowledge of the Earth's upper atmosphere and the atmospheres of other solar system objects is heavily dependent on observations of electromagnetic radiation. To understand the atmospheres of Earth and other planets, stars, galaxies and the universe, we need to understand the processes which produce electromagnetic radiation, and how radiation interacts with matter and propagates through space. This course describes the basic processes which create and alter such electromagnetic radiation before it's detected here in the Solar System. The course will consist of a combination of lectures, problem sets and class discussion sessions. The lectures will be expanded from the material in the text and will include additional material on the astrophysical and planetary context of radiative processes, drawn primarily from the following list of references. The discussion sessions will often be based on recent problem sets - regular participation of students in class discussions is expected.

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