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MECH.4510 Dynamic Systems Analysis (Formerly 22.451)

Id: 003844 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Dynamic modeling of mechanical, electrical, electro-mechanical, hydraulic and thermal components. Application of ordinary differential equations, Laplace transforms, and numerical simulation for the response of these systems; response due to initial conditions and to transient and sinusoidal inputs using both time and frequency domain approaches considered. Use of block diagrams and numerical simulation using MATLAB and Simulink for linear time invariant systems is emphasized. Project work includes model identification and synthesis from measured data for first and second order systems.


MATH.2360 Engineering Differential Equations, or MATH.2340 Differential Equations, and EECE.2110 Fundamentals of Electricity, or PHYS.1440 Physics II, and C- or better in ENGN.2070 Dynamics, or Spring 2020 grade of "P".

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