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ENGY.5360 Reactor Experiments (Formerly 24.536)

Id: 038016 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


A laboratory-based course using the U Mass Lowell Research Reactor (UMLRR) to illustrate, validate, and expand upon a mix of topics from reactor core physics, reactor operations, and balance-of-plant/energy removal considerations in nuclear systems. Typical experiments may include an approach to critical demo, reactivity measurements, generation of blade worth curves, analysis of various reactor kinetics and dynamic scenarios (including temperature and xenon effects), measurement of axial flux profiles and temperature/void coefficients, analysis of loss of flow and other pump transients, etc. Matlab will be used for data analysis and for reactor simulation. Other analysis tools such as VENTURE, MCNP, or PARET using existing models of the UMLRR may also be used. Comprehensive analysis reports that compare/contrast experimental and simulation data will be required. Oral presentations summarizing the results from the experiments will also be required.


10.434 or 24.434 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering II.

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