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UML Alert: UMass Lowell parking ban to start 11:30 p.m. Saturday 2/8 due to inclement weather. Visit the storm information page for more.

EECE.5498 Data-Driven Models, Decision Making, and Risk Mgmt

Id: 042155 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course addresses the application of data recorded from models, simulation or measurements for prediction, inference of estimation of system behavior. Students are introduced to AI/machine learning algorithms, data visualization and data analytics. The focus will be on the analysis of decisions driven by data and models using concepts of decision trees, multi-objective models and game theory. Methods for estimating costs and managing risks across the lifecycle of the system will be discussed. Case studies will be drawn from the government and industry that highlight mission statements with proposed strategy, tactics and operations. Optimization methods that address these directives with associated uncertainty parameters will be explored in team-based projects.


EECE.5492 Systems, Modeling and Simulation for Digital Eng.

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