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EECE.3650 Electronics I (Formerly 16.365)

Id: 003188 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


A brief introduction to solid-state physics, leading to discussion of physical characteristics of p-n junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and field-effect transistors: active, saturated, and cutoff models of bipolar transistors and triode, constant current, and cutoff models of MOSFETs. Circuit models for diodes, and diode applications. Circuit models for transistors, and transistor applications in bipolar and MOS digital circuits and low-frequency amplifier circuits. Analysis of digital circuits and linear circuits based on application of circuit models of devices and circuit theory.


EECE 2020 Circuit Theory ll, and PHYS 1440 Physics ll, and Co-req: EECE 3110 Electronics l Lab.

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