Keep your site current — build a maintenance team and review your content twice a year.

Web Editing Support

Tridion Training - Sign up for a 2-hour training to learn how to edit your website

Tridion Manual - Your quick reference for logging in, making edits and more  

Build Your Team 

  • Assign a web maintainer, who will make edits and submit web tickets for complex updates  
  • Create a web team, 2+ people who will periodically review the website and recommend content updates 
  • Hire and train student assistant(s), who can help make updates (it's a great skill for resumes!)
  • Get web editing training in the Tridion content management system (CMS).

Review and Update Your Site

Set aside time to review and update your website content once a semester or as changes arise.

Landing / Home Page 

  • When: Fall / Spring semesters 
  • What: Landing / Home pages typically include an overview of your dept.; quick links to important sections such as degree programs, faculty, research; an overview of your department’s unique features; and a news feed. 
  • How: Web maintainer makes the edits or submits a ticket for complex changes 

Program Pages 

  • When: Fall / Spring semesters 
  • What: Undergraduate and graduate program pages typically contain an overview of unique program features, degree pathways, admission requirements and career outcomes. 
  • How: Web maintainer makes the edits or submits a ticket for complex changes.
NOTE: Any changes to program name, options/concentrations must be approved and published in the Academic Catalog first. (What's the difference between Department content and Catalog content?)

Faculty Bios  


  • When: Fall / Spring semesters 
  • What: Profiles of current students, alumni, and faculty highlight student outcomes, research, and other important messages about your department. 
  • How: Contact the staff writer assigned to your college to let them know about potential people to profile. 

News Feed

  • When: Fall / Spring semesters 
  • What: News Feeds automatically pull a list of current news stories from University Featured News and Department News  
  • How: Contact the staff writer assigned to your college to alert them to potential news stories.


  • When: Fall / Spring semesters or when contacts change 
  • What: Contact pages typically include names of key department people, mailing address, physical address, directions to campus using interactive campus maps. 
  • How: Web maintainer makes the edits or submits a ticket for complex changes