Blue and pink drawing of animals climbing on a DNA strand.

All individuals involved in the care and use of animals must complete the required CITI training module “Working with the IACUC” which includes the following modules:

  • Working with the IACUC: Introduction (ID: 17660)
  • About the IACUC (ID: 17661)
  • Federal Laws, Policies, and Guidelines (ID: 17662)
  • Planning Research and Completing the Protocol Form (ID: 17663)
  • Procedures: Surgery, Antibody Production, and Blood Collection (ID: 17664)
  • Personnel and Their Welfare (ID: 17665)
  • Special Animal Welfare Considerations (ID: 17666)
  • Making Changes to an Approved Animal Use Protocol (ID: 17667)
  • Reporting Animal Use Concerns (ID: 17668)

Additional modules are required depending upon the nature of the research. Please email for additional assistance.