A Helping Hand
UMass Lowell students have joined together across majors to design, build and donate prosthetic devices for children.
eNABLE Lowell is a local chapter of a global nonprofit volunteer organization that provides 3D printed prosthetic devices to children around the world.
The University of Massachusetts Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Program is offered jointly by the campuses at Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell and Worcester.
The Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology brings together expertise in related fields from the entire UMass system. The program emphasizes a multidisciplinary, team approach in course/seminar presentations across the campuses, laboratory rotations, and joint research projects prior to dissertation specialization.
The program is open to a wide range of bachelor degree recipients with strong quantitative skills and engineering/physical science, life/clinical science and related backgrounds.
Applicants who have earned degrees in the following fields will be strong candidates for the program: biology, chemical engineering, chemistry, clinical laboratory science, computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, physics, plastics engineering and polymer science.
Applicants will be admitted directly into the Ph.D. Program. A Master of Science degree will be awarded along the way to the doctorate after successful completion of 31 credits including a capstone project/directed study.
Although individuals will apply to and conduct their dissertation research on one of the four UMass campuses, intercampus faculty mentoring of dissertations, enrollment in any of the nearly 300 relevant graduate courses across the campuses (on campus or online) and resource sharing/library access will be available and encouraged.
The over 600 biotechnology, medical devices, pharmaceutical, and related companies in eastern Massachusetts create a resource that will be approached for research opportunities as well as career placement and graduate internship development.
Faculty from UMass Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell and Worcester campuses participate in the UMass Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Program. Meet the interdisciplinary faculty representing the Lowell campus.