Middle School Lesson Plans

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Interpreting ThoreauElizabeth Rockey, Philadelphia Montgomery Christian Academy, Erdenheim, PAword-logoAdobePDF_2

High School Lesson Plans

Lesson TitleAuthor of Lesson
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Understanding ThoreauDebbie Engler, Llano High School, Llano, TXword-logoAdobePDF_2
Winslow Homer Artwork InterpretationNicole Newton, Gig Harbor School, Gig Harbor, WAword-logoAdobePDF_2
Thoreau, Transcendentalism and LowellAlicia Cotter, Paul D. Schreiber High School, Port Washington, NYword-logoAdobePDF_2
Early American ArtSean McManamon, Bronx School of Science, New York, NYword-logoAdobePDF_2
Introducing Transcendentalism and the Ideas of ThoreauKeith Younker, Southbridge High School, Huntingburg, IN

Additional Resources

Mapping Thoreau County (MTC) uses historical maps to organize and interpret images,documents, and information related to Henry David Thoreau's travels throughout the United States, including Thoreau's visit to Lowell.

The following classroom activities were created by staff of the Tsongas Industrial History Center:


The Tsongas Industrial History Center is an education partnership between the University of Massachusetts Lowell School of Education and the National Park Service at Lowell National Historical Park.

  • UMass Lowell
  • National Park Service