Michael Ciuchta.

Michael Philip Ciuchta, Ph.D.


Manning School of Business
Marketing Entrepreneurship and Innovation
(978) 934-2993
Pulichino Tong Business Center - 220B
Profile Links

Research Interests

My research adopts a behavioral approach to studying institutions and entrepreneurship. My particular focus is on organizational learning and identity and entrepreneurial finance.


  • Ph D: Strategy/Organization Theory, (2010), University of Wisconsin- Madison
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Commercializing Science: The Impact of Organizational Identity on Learning from Experience
  • MBA: Finance, (1990), University of Pennsylvania- The Wharton School
  • BA: Economics, (1986), University of California, Berkeley


Michael P Ciuchta is an Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He received his PhD in Organization Theory/Strategic Management from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Fulbright Scholar Award (2022), Scholarship/Research - Fulbright Commission
  • Teaching Excellence Award (2017), Teaching - Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Department
  • Best Article Award: Business Horizons 2015 (2016), Scholarship/Research - Business Horizons/Elsevier
  • Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (2007), Scholarship/Research - Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Selected Publications

  • Ciuchta, M., Gacula, L.F. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Gajardo-Vejar, C. (University of Massachusetts Lowell) (2023). Advancing Improvisation within Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 408-420). Routledge
  • Letwin, C. (Suffolk University), Ciuchta, M., Stevenson, R. (Indiana University), McMahon, S. (Elon University) (2023). Being coachable can pay off for founders – up to a point. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange.
  • Letwin, C., Ciuchta, M., Johnson, M., Stevenson, R., Ford, C. (). Passion and attractiveness on display: an examination of gender bias in crowdfunding. Small Business Economics.
  • Stevenson, R., McMahon, S., Letwin, C., Ciuchta, M. (). More than capital? Transaction costs, trade-offs, and value for small businesses in novel funding transactions. Journal of Small Business Management.
  • O'Toole, J. (Old Dominion University), Ciuchta, M., Neville, F. (McMaster University), Lahiri, A. (Washington State University) (2022). Transactive memory systems, temporary teams, and conflict: Innovativeness during a hackathon. Journal of Management.
  • Stevenson, R. (Indiana University), McMahon, S. (Elon University), Letwin, C. (Suffolk University), Ciuchta, M. (2022). Entrepreneur Fund-seeking: Toward a Theory of Funding Fit in the Era of Equity Crowdfunding. Small Business Economics, 58 2061-2068.
  • Kingsley, D., Ciuchta, M. (2022). Self-serving bias across strategic and non-strategic dictator games with production. Applied Economics Letters, 28(13) 1082-1086.
  • Letwin, C. (Suffolk University), Stevenson, R. (Indiana University), Ciuchta, M. (2021). A Psychological Perspective on Raising Start-Up Capital (pp. 228-243). Routledge
  • O'Toole, J. (Elon University), Ciuchta, M. (2020). The liability of newer than newness: Aspiring entrepreneurs and legitimacy. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 26(3) 539-558.
  • Ciuchta, M., O'Toole, J. (Old Dominion University), Miner, A.S. (University of Wisconsin - Madison) (2020). The Organizational Improvisation Landscape: Taking Stock and Looking Forward. Journal of Management, 47(1) 286-316.
  • Ciuchta, M., Santos, R.S. (UMass Lowell), Jia, P. (UMass Lowell), Yacus, A.M. (UMass Lowell) (2019). Crowdfunding Platforms: Taking Stock and Looking Forward (pp. 94-121). Edward Elgar
  • Stevenson, R., Ciuchta, M., Letwin, C., Dinger, J., Vancouver, J. (2019). Out of Control or Right on the Money? Funder Self-Efficacy and Crowd Bias in Equity Crowdfunding. Journal of Business Venturing, 34 348-367.
  • Ciuchta, M., Finch, D. (2019). The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 11 June 2019.
  • Eckhardt, J., Ciuchta, M., Carpenter, M.A. (2018). Open Innovation, Information, and Entrepreneurship within Platform Ecosystems. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 12 369-391.
  • Ciuchta, M., Miner, A.S., Kim, J., O'Toole, J. (2018). Founding logics, technology validation, and the path to commercialization. International Small Business Journal, 36 307-330.
  • Ciuchta, M., Letwin, C., Stevenson, R., McMahon, S., Huvag, M. (2018). Betting on the coachable entrepreneur: signaling and social exchange in entrepreneurial pitches. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42 860-885.
  • Ciuchta, M., O’Toole, J. (2018). Buy Local? Organizational Identity in the Localism Movement. Business & Society, 57 1481-1497.
  • Ciuchta, M., Gong, Y., Miner, A., Letwin, C., Sadler, A. (2016). Imprinting and the progeny of university spin-offs. Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(5) 1113-1134.
  • Ciuchta, M., O'Toole, J. (2016). Looks and linguistics: Impression formation in online exchange marketplaces. . The Journal of Social Psychology, 156(6) 648-663.
  • Ciuchta, M., Letwin, C., Stevenson, R.M., McMahon, S.R. (2016). Regulatory Focus and Information Cues in a Crowdfunding Context. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 65(3) 490 - 514.
  • Ford, R.C., Richard, B., Ciuchta, M. (2015). Crowdsourcing: A new way of employing non-employees? Business Horizons, 58 377-388.
  • Letwin, C., Ford, C., Ciuchta, M. (2013). Thinking it or feeling it? The Dual Routes of Entrepreneurial Passion. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
  • Miner, A., Gong, Y., Ciuchta, M., Sadler, A., Surdyk, J. (2012). Promoting university startups: international patterns, vicarious learning and policy implications. Journal of Technology Transfer, 37(2) 213.
  • Miner, A.S., Ciuchta, M., Gong, Y. (2008). Organizational Routines and Organizational Learning (pp. 152-186). Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar
  • Eckhardt, J.T., Ciuchta, M. (2008). Selected variation: the population-level implications of multistage selection in entrepreneurship. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(3) 209.
  • Eckhardt, J.T., Ciuchta, M. (2007). From Free to Fee: An Examination of Factors Influencing the Switch from Public Innovator to Commercial Entrepreneur (pp. 238-250). FRONTIERS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH

Selected Presentations

  • Funder Identities in Entrepreneurial Finance - Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 2024 - Munich, German

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Experiments in Entrepreneurial Decision Making (2024), Grant -
    Ciuchta, M.
  • CLIN 501 - FR4 - Durable Flame Retardant, Multifunctional Coatings for Nylon/cotton (NYCO) Fabric (2021), Sponsored Research - U.S. ARMY CCDC SOLDIER CENTER
    Nagarajan, R. (Principal), Kumar, J. (Co-Principal), Chen, W. (Co-Principal), Ciuchta, M. (Co-Principal)
  • CLIN 601 - MN29 - 3-D Textile-based integrated energy harvesting and storage system (2021), Sponsored Research - U.S. ARMY CCDC SOLDIER CENTER
    Kumar, J. (Principal), Nagarajan, R. (Co-Principal), Agar, E. (Co-Principal), Ciuchta, M., Lepont, c. (Co-Principal), Li, L. (Supporting)
  • Experimental Games in Entrepreneurial Finance (), Grant - University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Ciuchta, M. (Co-Principal), Kingsley, D. (Co-Principal)