CWW associates publish their work in a wide range of outlets. The publications include books and edited volumes, referred journal articles, book chapters and technical reports. In addition, associates are active in presenting their work at professional conferences all over the world.
- Working Papers
- Books, Monographs & Edited Journal Issues
- Journal Articles
- Book Chapters, Technical Reports, & Conference Proceedings
- Professional Presentations
Working Papers
Bond, M.A., & Punnett, L. (2006). Expanding our understanding of the psychosocial work environment. Center for Women & Work Working Paper Series, WP06-01.
Brunette, M. J., Rayman, P., Bond, M., & Yuan, L. (2007). A Delphi study to structure a working conference on women's success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Center for Women & Work Working Paper Series, WP07-02.
Haynes, M. C., & Heilman, M E. (2007). Perceptions of Affirmative Action (AA): Implications for attitudes towards AA and its psychological consequences. Center for Women & Work Working Paper Series, WP07-03.
Moir, S., & Skidmore, E. (2006). Pre-apprenticeship model for women entering and succeeding in the construction trades. Center for Women & Work Working Paper Series,WP06-03.
Najarian, C.G. (2006). Deaf mothers, maternal thinking, and intersections of gender and ability. Center for Women & Work Working Paper Series, WP06-02.
Thomson, S. (2007). The care tetrahedron: Portraits of elder care in the United States. Center for Women & Work Working Paper Series, WP07-04.
Wasco, S. M., Knight, M. K., Fernández, M. C., Twarog, K. E., Norcross, H. L., Martin, K. C., de Laubenfels, M. J. (2007). Reactions to rape research: Examining upset and regret among ethnically perse college women. Center for Women & Work Working Paper Series, WP07-01.
Books, Monographs & Edited Journal IssuesM
Bond, M.A. (2007). Workplace Chemistry: Promoting persity through Organizational Change. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.
Bond, M.A., Kalaja, A., Markkanen, P., Cazeca, D., Daniel, S., Tsurikova, L., & Punnett, L. (In Press). Compendium of persity-Related Measures for Research in Occupational Health. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), US DHHS, Cincinnati OH.
Bond, M.A. & Harrell, S. (Eds.) (2006). Special Issue on Stories of persity Challenges in Community Research and Action. American Journal of Community Psychology, 36 (3/4).
Markkanen, P., Hurst, P., Quinn, P., Hakim, A., & Dessy, M. (In press). Children, Solvents, andSshoemaking in Cibaduyut, Indonesia: Local Case - Global Primary Prevention. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Najarian, C. G. (2006). 'Between Worlds': Deaf Women, Work, and Intersections of Gender and Ability. New York: Routledge.
Summerfield, G., Pyle, J. & Desai, M. (2006). Globalization, Transnational Migration, and Gendered CareWork. Symposium in Globalizations, 3 (3).
Journal Articles
Bond, M. & Harrell, S. (2006). persity challenges in community research and action: The story of a special issue. American Journal of Community Psychology, 36 (3/4).
Cifuentes, M., Gore, R., Boyer, J., Tessler, J., d'Errico, A., Scollin, P., Lerner, D., Kriebel, D., Punnett, L., & Phase in Healthcare Research Team. (2007). Inter-method agreement between O*NET and survey measures of psychosocial exposure among healthcare employees. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 50(7), 545-553, doi: 10.1002/ajim.20480.
Cohler, B. J., & Hostetler, A. J. (2006). Gay and lesbian lives in the third age: Possibilities and paradoxes. In J. B. James & P. Wink (Eds.), The Crown of life: Dynamics of the early postretirement period. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 26, 263-281.
d'Errico, A., Punnett, L., Cifuentes, M., Boyer, J., Tessler, J., Gore, R., Scollin, P.A., Slatin, C., Phase in Healthcare (2007). Hospital injury rates in relation to socioeconomic status and working conditions. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64, 325-333, doi: 10.1136/oem.2006.027839.
Duffy, M. (2007). Doing the dirty work: Gender, race, and reproductive labor in historical perspective. Gender & Society, 21(3), 313-336.
Duffy, M. (2005). Reproducing labor inequalities: challenges for feminists conceptualizing care at the intersections of gender, race, and class. Gender & Society , 19 (1), 66-82.
Fingerhut, M., Driscoll, T., Nelson, D.I., Concha-Barrientos, M., Punnett, L., Pruss- Ustin, A., Steenland, K., Leigh, J., & Corvalan, C. (2005). The contribution of occupational risk factors to the global burden of disease: A summary of findings. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health Supplements, (1), 58-6.
Gold, J.E., Park, J.S., Punnett, L.(2006). Work routinization and implications for ergonomic exposure assessment. Ergonomics, 49(1), 12-27.
Harrell, S. & Bond, M.A. (2006). Listening to persity stories: Principles for practice in community research and action. American Journal of Community Psychology, 36 (3/4).
Hostetler, A. J. (2005). Single older gay men: Are they going it alone? Outword: Newsletter of the Lesbian and Gay Aging Issues Network of the American Society on Aging, 11(4), 4.
Hostetler, A. J., Sweet, S., & Moen, P. (2007). Gendered career paths: A life course perspective on returning to school. Sex Roles, 56(1/2).
Kuhn, S. & Rayman, P. (forthcoming). Software and internet industry workers in Massachusetts: Findings and implications for the future of work. The New England Journal of Public Policy. (Reprinted from book chapter, see below)
Lahiri, S., Markkanen, P., & Levenstein, C. (2005). The cost-effectiveness of occupational health interventions: Preventing occupational back pain. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 48(6), 515-529.
MacDonald, L.A., Harenstam, A., Warren, N.D., & Punnett, L. (2007). Incorporating work organization into occupational health research - An invitation for dialog. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (accepted).
Miranda, H., Gold, J.E., Gore, R., & Punnett, L. (2006). Recall of prior musculoskeletal pain. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health, 32(4), 294-300.
Moir, S. (2005). Ideological influences on participatory research in occupational health and safety: A review of the literature. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental & Occupational Health Policy, 15 (1), 15 – 28.
Myers, D., Kriebel, D., Punnett, L., Karasek, R.A., & Wegman, D.H. (2005). Incidence of acute injuries and physical assaults in a long-term psychiatric care facility. Journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, 53(11), 489-498.
Myers, D., Kriebel, D., Wegman, D.H., Karasek, R.A., & Punnett, L. (2007) The social distribution of risk at work: Acute injuries and physical assaults among healthcare workers working in a long-term care facility. Social Science & Medicine, 64, 794-806.
Najarian, C. G. (2006). Deaf mothers, maternal thinking, and intersections of gender and ability. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 8(2-3), 99 - 119.
Nelson, D.I., Concha-Barrientos, M., Driscoll, T., Steenland, K., Fingerhut, M., Pruss Ustun, A., Corvalan, C., Leigh, J., & Punnett, L. (2005). The global burden of selected occupational disease and injury risks: Methodology and summary. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 48, 400-418.
Punnett, L. (2006). Socioeconomic differences in severe back morbidity. (Invited Commentary) Occupational and Environmental Medicine 63;369-370.
Punnett, L., Pruss-Ustun, A., Nelson, D.I., Fingerhut, M.A., Leigh, J., Tak, S.W., Phillips, S. (2005). Estimating the global burden of low back pain attributable to combined occupational exposures. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 48, 459-469.
Pyle, J. (2006). Globalization, transnational migration, and gendered care work: An introduction. Globalizations, 3(3), 282-295.
Pyle, J. (2006). Globalization and the increase in transnational care work: The flip side. Globalizations, 3(3), 297-315.
Pyle, J. & Ward, K. (forthcoming). Recasting our understanding of gender and work during global restructuring. In P. James (Ed.), Globalization and Economy. Sage Publications. (Reprint of article originally published in International Sociology, 2003, special issue on Globalization, Gender, and Social Change in the 21st Century, 8(3), 461-489.)
Wallace, R.F., Kriebel, D., Punnett, L., Wegman, D.H., Wenger, C.B., Gardner, J.W., & Kark, J.A. (2006) Risk factors for recruit exertional heat illness by gender and training period. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, 77(4), 415-21.
Book Chapters, Technical Reports, & Conference Proceedings
Bond, M.A. (2005). Power and participation in context. In Nelson, G., & Prilleltensky, I. (Eds.), Community psychology: In pursuit of liberation and well-being. London: MacMillan.
Bond, M.A. & Punnett, L. (2007). Expanding our understanding of the psychosocial work environment. In Bond, et al. (Eds.), Compendium of persity-related measures for research in occupational health. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), US DHHS, Cincinnati, OH.
Cohler, B. J., & Hostetler, A. J. (2005). Gay and lesbian lives in the "third age": Possibilities and paradoxes. In: J. James & P. Wink (Eds.), The third age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Hostetler, A. J. (forthcoming in 2008). Generativity and the mature gay men: An ecological approach. Invited submission for P. Hammack & B. J. Cohler (Eds.), Life course and sexual identity: Narrative perspectives on gay and lesbian identities. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hostetler, A. J. (forthcoming). Homosexuality & bisexuality: Cultural and historical perspectives. Invited submission for The Chicago companion to the child. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Kuhn, S. (2007). Evocative objects. In S. Turkle (Ed.), Objects in mind: falling for science, technology, and design. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kuhn, S. & Rayman, P. (2007). Women on the edge of change: Employees in United States information technology companies. In C. Burger (Ed.), Reconfiguring the firewall: a cross-cultural context for recruiting women to IT. A.K. Peters, Ltd.
Kuhn, S. & Rayman, P. (2007). Software and internet industry workers in Massachusetts: Findings and implications for the future of work. T. Juravich (Ed.), Future of work in Massachusetts. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press.
Martin, F. & Kuhn, S. (2006) Computing in context: Integrating an embedded computing project into a course on ethical and societal issues. 2006 Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (ACM-SIGCSE 2006)
Najarian, C. G. & Paetow, M. (2005). Learning from each other: Syracuse University and the OnCampus Program. In Collaborative Authors (Eds.), Creating pedagogical curb cuts: Incorporating disability in the university classroom and curriculum (pp.117-126). Syracuse, NY: The Graduate School of Syracuse University.
Concha-Barrientos, M., Imel, Nelson, D.I., Driscoll, T., Steenland, N.K., Punnett, L., Fingerhut, M., Prüss-Üstün, A., Corvalán, C., Leigh, J., & Tak, S. (2005). Selected occupational risk factors. In M. Ezzati, A.D. Lopez, A.Rodgers, & C.J.L. Murray (Eds.), Comparative quantification of health risks: Global and regional burden of disease attributable to selected major risk factors. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Pyle, J. (forthcoming). Public policy and local economies: The phenomenon of secondary migration. In T. L. Pho, J. Gerson, & S. Cowan (Eds.), Southeast Asian refugees and immigrants in the mill city: Changing families, communities, institutions. Hanover, N.H: University Press of New England.
Slatin, C., & Punnett, L., et al. (2006, December). Health disparities among healthcare workers. Final Report, Grant # R01 OH007381, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.
Professional Presentations
Arabas, J., Rack, M. & Thomson, S. (2006). Multicultural Service-Learning: Storybooks and Ethnographies in the Service of Understanding. Northeast Regional Campus Compact Conference. Nashua, NH.
Bond, M.A. (Chair). (2007, June). Is Ecological Research Ecological? Is Research Validity Valid? Session at the 11th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Pasadena, California.
Bond, M.A. (2007, May). Visions for an Equitable Workplace: Harnessing persity for Organizational Vitality. Invited panel at the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Bond, M.A. (Chair), Hostetler, A., Pyle, J. & Rayman, P. (2007, May). Sustaining Our Work as Organizational Scholar-Change Agents: Creating an Interdisciplinary Community to Address Gender and Work. Symposium presented at the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Bond, M.A. (2007, February). Workplace Chemistry: Reflections on Organizational Change to Address persity. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University.
Bond, M. A. (2006, June). Challenges Facing Community Action Research Centers: Lessons from a Center on Women and Work. First International Conference on Community Psychology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Bond, M. (2005, October). An Ecological Approach to Workplace persity: Reflections on a Long-Term Organizational Change Process. 5th Annual persity Challenge: Making Race and Culture Work in the World of Work. Boston College, Boston, MA.
Bond, M. A. (2005, June). Organizational Case Study of Dynamics of Race and Gender. Presentation at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Champaign, IL.
Bond, M. A. & Harrell, S. (2006, June). persity Stories in Community Research and Action: Toward Developing Principles for Community Psychology. First International Conference on Community Psychology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Bond, M. A. & Rayman, P. (2006, March). Working W.I.S.E: A Project to Address Work Barriers to Women in STEM Fields. National Science Foundation Joint Annual Meeting (JAM). Washington D.C.
Cifuentes, M., Gore, R., Boyer, J., Tessler, J., d'Errico, A., Scollin, P., & Punnett, L. (2006, November). Association Between O*NET And Survey Measures of Psychosocial Exposure in Healthcare Workers. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston MA.
Cifuentes, M., Gore, R., Boyer, J., Tessler, J., d'Errico, A., Scollin, P., & Punnett, L. (2006, November). Socioeconomic Status and Working Conditions as Predictors of Survey Response in Healthcare Workers. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston MA.
Cifuentes, M., Punnett, L., Gore, R., Boyer, J., Tessler, J., & d'Errico, A. (2005, September). Socioeconomic Status and Working Conditions as Predictors of Mental Health. International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), Bergen, Norway.
Cifuentes, M., Punnett, L., Gore R., Boyer, J., Tessler, J., & d'Errico, A. (2005, September). Socioeconomic status and job strain as predictors of survey response. International
Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), Bergen, Norway.
d'Errico, A., Punnett, L., Cifuentes, M., Boyer, J., & Tessler, J. (2005, September).
Occupational Injury Rates in Relation to Socioeconomic Status and Hospital Working
Conditions. International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), Bergen, Norway.
Dinh, K. & Bond, M. (2005, June) Changes among Host Inpiduals and Communities in their Adaptation to Immigrants. Round table discussion at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Champaign, IL.
Duffy, M. (2007, March). Building a Care Movement: Three Frames for Change. Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Society's Annual Meetings, Philadelphia, PA.
Duffy, M. (2006, November). The History of the Global Care Chain: Immigrant Caring Labor in the United States. Social Science History Association Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN.
Duffy, M. (2005, August). Racial Inequalities in Paid Care Work: An Historical Perspective. American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Regular Session on Occupational Segregation by Race, Gender, and Class, Philadelphia, PA.
Duffy, M. (2005, May). Why a Care Movement May Not Be the Best Solution to the Care Crisis. Plenary session at Conference on Caring Labor, Seattle, WA.
Duffy, M. (2005, September). Organizing a pided Labor Market: Occupational Mobility and the Road to Sustainability. Conference on Sustainable Jobs, Sustainable Workplaces, Lowell, MA.
Frumin, E., Vossenas, P., Moriarty, J., Orris, P., Halpin, J., Krause, N., & Punnett, L. (2006,
April). Workload-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Hotel Housekeepers: Worksite Surveillance Reveals a Growing National Problem. NIOSH NORA Symposium,
Washington DC.
Harrell, S. & Bond, M.A. (Chairs) (2007, June). Developing persity Principles for Community Research and Action. Session at the 11th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Pasadena, California.
Haynes, M. C. & Heilman, M. E. (2007, March). Perceptions of Affirmative Action (AA): Implications for Attitudes towards AA and its Psychological Consequences. Presented at the 22nd Annual Society For Industrial Organizational Psychology Conference; New York, New York.
Hostetler, A. J. (2007, August). Choosing care, sacrificing community? Older adults and the prospects for building multicultural, intergenerational caring communities. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Carework Conference, New York, N.Y.
Hostetler, A. J., Kuhn, S. Najarian, C., & Thomson, S. (2006, April). Building an Intellectual Community around Gender Issues: The UMass Lowell Center for Women and Work. Panel presentation (M. Bond, Chair), Gender Studies Symposium, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA.
Kuhn, S. (2005). Thinking with Your Hands. Presentations to Honors Program Colloquium & to The Salon: a Humanities and Social Sciences Colloquium, University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Kuhn, S. (2005). Values in the Design of Information Technology. Departmental Colloquium, Computer Science Department, University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Kuhn, S. (2006, May). Coming to our Senses in Higher Education: Using "Low Technology" To Enhance Engagement, Learning, and Embodied Knowledge. Invited workshop as a "Back by Popular Demand" session; workshop repeated three times at conference because of very high demand. Teaching Professor Conference, Chicago, IL.
Markkanen, P. (2005, November). Working Conditions & The Gendered pision of Labour in Informal Sector Shoemaking. Fourth International Congress on Women, Work and Health, New Delhi, India..
Markkanen, P., Quinn, M., Chalupka, S., Chaulk, D., Davis, L., Galligan, C., Laramie, A. (2005, November). Home as Work Environment for Healthcare Practitioners. Fourth International Congress on Women, Work and Health, New Delhi, India.
Najarian, C. (2007, August). The public and private lives of politicians: Negotiating work, family, and public policies. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Carework Conference, New York, N.Y.
Najarian, C. G. (2006, August). Personal Responsibility and Deaf Women's Work Experiences in the New Economy. Paper presented at Refereed Roundtable at the American Sociological Association Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Najarian, C. G. (2006, August). Deaf or deaf?: College Educated Deaf Women as Linguistic Minorities in Families and Schools. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Social Problems Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Najarian, C. G. (2006, March). The Bilingual Work of Deaf Mothers: Gender, Ability, and
Maternal Thinking. (Invited contribution) The Salon: Faculty Colloquium in the Fine Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA.
Najarian, C. G. (2006, February). Deaf Mothers, Maternal Thinking, and Intersections of Gender and Ability. Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Meetings, Boston, MA.
Najarian, C. G. (2006, February). Women in the Workplace. Session Presider, Eastern Sociological Society Meetings, Boston, MA.
Najarian, C. G. (2005, October). Language, Legitimacy, and a Linguistic Minority: Deaf
Women's Work Experiences. Poster at the persity Challenge Conference, The Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Punnett, L. (2007, May) Inequitable Distribution of Workplace Risks: Insights from Studying Musculoskeletal Disorders. C. O. Sappington Memorial Lecture (Invited Keynote). American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, American Occupational Health Conference, New Orleans LA.
Punnett, L. (2007, June) Socioeconomic Disparities in Health and in Occupational Exposures: Relevance for Workplace Health Promotion and Protection Programs. NORA Symposium, Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN.
Punnett, L. (2006, June). Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Men and Women:
Is the B urden Equitably Distributed? Invited Keynote at the 28th International Congress on Occupational Health, Milan, Italy.
Pyle, J. (2007, August). Globalization and the Increase in Transnational Care Work: The Flip Side. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Carework Conference, New York, N.Y.
Pyle, J. (2007, January). Human Trafficking: What Are the Issues? Human Trafficking Awareness Week Lecture at the University of North Florida and (2007, February) for the Northeast Florida Human Trafficking Task Force, Jacksonville, FL.
Pyle, J. (2006, April). Human Trafficking: What Are the Issues? Invited Keynote for the Center for Women & Work 8th Annual Gathering at the Well Forum. University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA.
Tessler, J., Boyer, J., Cifuentes, M., Park, J.K., Scollin, P., & Punnett, L. (2006, November). Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Exposures and the Healthcare Worker: Is There a Gradient by Socioeconomic Status? American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Thomson, S. (2007, March). Portraits of Elder Care in the United States. Invited talk for the Center for Women & Work 9th Annual Gathering at the Well Forum. University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA.
Thomson, S. (2005, November). Hearing the Unheard Story: Bringing Personal and Community Voices into the Classroom. Community College Humanities Association National Conference, Boston, MA.
Thomson, S. (2005, November). New Research on Southeast Asian American Communities in New England. Round-table discussion, Institute for Asian-American Studies Conference on Researching Asian Americans in New England: Scholarship, Resources, and Community Engagement, Boston, MA.
Weller, J. (2006, April). Women Throughout 'TIME': A Content Analysis of Magazine Covers 1923-2005. Poster presentation at the First Annual Gender Studies Symposium, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and at the Ninth Annual Student Research Symposium, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA.