In collaboration with The Climate Initiative (TCI) and Climate Interactive, we present "Climate Impacts and Solutions with En-ROADS," a free, multi-disciplinary module that gives educators the tools and confidence to bring interactive, engaging climate education into the high school classroom.

About the Module

This module was created to help high school instructors across academic disciplines to build students’ confidence to take evidence-based climate action. Students are guided throughout the six lessons from a solutions-focused perspective, where they not only explore the scientific causes and impacts of climate change, but also apply their new understanding to the design of a local action project in their school or community. Lessons were designed for instructors to customize the experience according to students’ needs, allowing the teacher to:

  • integrate this content into an existing course, or build a unit dedicated to this topic,
  • present lessons in both synchronous and asynchronous formats, and
  • accommodate different learning styles according to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Framework.

We encourage you to use these resources in a way that works best for you!

About En-ROADS & The Climate Action Simulation

The Climate Impacts and Solutions with En-ROADS module centers on students’ participation in the Climate Action Simulation, an engaging activity where students play global leaders across businesses, government, and civil society who are gathered at a mock UN climate summit to negotiate a plan to limit global warming to less than 2ºC, ideally 1.5ºC. After an initial briefing, students propose policies and actions to be tested in the En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator, followed by an evaluation of model results and further efforts to generate a new future climate scenario. The accompanying Teacher Guide for this module condenses Climate Interactive’s En-ROADS Training Program into a simple package of example lesson plans, google slides presentations, and students labs, so that educators spend less time training, and more time adapting resources for a fun and scientifically robust classroom experience.

En-ROADS activities support the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Read more on NGSS alignment on the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Portal.

Explore Module Resources

"WOW!...we are on day 3 of the new climate change module and you all really did so great! As a climate researcher turned high school teacher, I can say that this module is top notch and so inclusive of all the materials needed to roll out a climate change module in my classroom!"
-Matthew Seal, High School teacher

The Climate Change Initiative conducts research on how simulation-based tools impact how people learn about climate change causes, impacts, and solutions. Check out our research page to read more on what we've found so far, access the full publications, and join our research efforts.

How to Access the Module

If you would like to receive access to the Teacher Manual, please connect with our partners at The Climate Initiative.