The following are publications from 2007 for the Center for Advanced Materials
- “Alternative Synthesis of C60-diphenylaminofluorene Derivatives for Nonlinear Photonic Applications: Method of Preparation and Characterization” (Jeon, S. H.; Anandakathir, R.; Chiang, J.; Chiang, L. Y.), J. Macromol. Sci. A, Pure Appl. Chem., 44, pp. 1275-1282 (2007).
- “Biocatalytic Synthesis of Organosiloxane Copolyimide,” (R. Mosurkal, L.A. Samuelson, V.S. Parmar, J. Kumar, A.C. Watterson), Macromolecules, 40, pp. 7742-7744 (2007).
- “Biosynthesis of Liquid Crystalline Azo-Polyesters,” (L. Niu, L.A. Samuelson, J. Kumar), J. of Macromol. Sci., Part A, 44:12: Pure & Appl. Chem., pp. 1245-1248 (2007).
- “Controlled Release of Covalently Bound Organic Molecules by Slow Hydrolysis for Potential Biocide Applications,” (R. Mosurkal, J. Kumar, V.S. Parmar, A.C. Watterson), J. of Macromol. Sci., Part A, 44:12: Pure & Appl. Chem., pp. 1289-1292 (2007).
- “Design and Synthesis of Novel Amphiphilic Polymers for MRI and Selective Targeting in Cancer Diagnosis Therapy,” (M.K. Pandey, R. Tyagi, R. Kumar, V.S. Parmar, A.C. Watterson, J. Kumar, M.T. Hardiman, J. Zhou, K.P. Brower, R.J. Fisher, C.K. Colton), Polymeric Materials: Sci. & Engr., 96, pp. 855-856 (2007).
- “Design and Synthesis of Novel Crosslinked Polydimethylsiloxanes for Use in Flame Retardant Applications,” (V.B. Tucci, M.K. Pandey, R. Tyagi, V.S. Parmar, J. Kumar, A.C. Watterson), Proceedings of the ACS Meeting, Boston, MA (2007).
- “Design and Synthesis of Novel Pegylated 4-Methylcoumarins,” (M.K. Pandey, R. Tyagi, S. Tomar, J. Kumar, V.S. Parmar, A.C. Watterson), J. of Macromol. Sci., Part A, 44:12, pp. 1293-1298 (2007).
- “Determination of Electron and Hole Mobility of Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) by the Time of Flight Method,” (K. Yang, Y. Wang, A. Jain, L. Samuelson, J. Kumar), J. of Macromol. Sci., Part A, 44:12: Pure & Appl. Chem., pp. 1261-1264 (2007).
- “Energy Level Alignment between Sexithiophene and Buckminsterfullerene Films” (Y. Ge, J.E. Whitten), Chem. Phys. Lett., 448, pp. 65-69 (2007).
- “Effect of a Buffer Layer, Composition and Annealing on the Performance of a Bulk Heterojunction Polythiophene/Fullerene Composite Photovoltaic Device,” (S. Rait, S. Kashyap, P.K. Bhatnagar, P.C. Mathur, S.K. Sengupta, J. Kumar), Physica E, 39, pp. 191-197 (2007).
- “Fabrication of Gold Nano-Structures with Azopolymer Templates,” (L. Li, F. Yan, M. Cazeca, L. Samuelson, J. Kumar), J. of Macromol. Sci., Part A, 44:12: Pure & Appl. Chem., pp. 1299-1303 (2007).
- “Fabrication of Micro- and Nanoscale Crystals and Thin Films of a Phthalocyanine,” (X. Wang, L. Li, K. Yang, Y. Wang, D.J. Sandman), J. Macromol. Sci., Pure & Appl. Chem., Part A, 44, pp. 1323-1327 (2007).
- “Fabrication of TiO2 Grating with Composites of Azobenzene Polymer and TiO2 Nanoparticles,” (M.J. Cazeca, L. Li, F. Yan, L.A. Samuelson, J. Kumar), J. of Macromol. Sci., Part A, 44:12: Pure & Appl. Chem., pp. 1329-1332 (2007).
- “Molecular Diodes and Ultra-thin Organic Rectifying Junctions: Au-S-Cnn-Q3CNQ and TCNQ Derivatives,” (G.J. Ashwell, K. Moczko, M. Sujka, A. Chwialkowska, L.R. Hermann High, D.J. Sandman), Phys. Chem., 9, pp. 996-1002 (2007).
- “Nanocrystalline TiO2-Catalyzed Solid-State Polymerization of Diacetylene in the Visible Region,” (Y. Wang, L. Li, K. Yang, L.A. Samuelson, J. Kumar), J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, pp. 7238-7239 (2007).
- “Large Concentration-Dependent Nonlinear Optical Responses of Starburst Diphenylaminofluorenocarbonyl methano[60]fullerene Pentaads” (Elim, H. I.; Anandakathir, R.; Jakubiak, R.; Chiang, L. Y.; Ji, W.; Tan, L. S.), J. Mater. Chem., 17, pp. 1826-1838 (2007).
- “Molecular Diodes and Ultra-thin Organic Rectifying Junctions: Au-S-Cnn-Q3CNQ and TCNQ Derivatives,” (G.J. Ashwell, K. Moczko, M. Sujka, A. Chwialkowska, L.R. Hermann High, D.J. Sandman), Phys. Chem., 9, pp. 996-1002 (2007).
- “Optical and Electrochemical Detection of Saccharides with Poly(analinine-co-3-aminobenzeneboronic acid) Prepared from Enzymatic Polymerization,” (P.H. Huh, S.-C. Kim, Y. Kim, Y. Yang, J. Singh, J. Kumar, L.A. Samuelson, B.-S. Lim, N.-J. Jo, J.-O. Lee), Biomacromolecules, 8, 11, pp. 3602-3607 (2007).
- “Polydiacetylene/TiO2 Nanocomposites for Photovoltaic Applications,” (Y. Wang, L. Li, F. Yan, L.A. Samuelson, J. Kumar), Polymeric Materials: Sci. & Engr., 96, pp. 809-810 (2007).
- “Prolonged Photoinduced Charge-Separated States in Starburst Tetra(Diphenylaminofluoreno) [60]Fullerene Adducts” (El-Khouly, M. E.; Anandakathir, R.; Ito, O.; Chiang, L. Y.), J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, pp. 6938-6944 (2007).
- “Starburst Encapsulation of C60 by Multiple Hindered Two-Photon Absorptive Diphenylaminodialkylfluorene Arms” (Anandakathir, R.; Tan, L.-S.; Chiang, L. Y.), J. Macromol. Sci. A, Pure Appl. Chem., 44, pp. 1265-1273 (2007).
- “Synthesis and Characterization of a Ruthenium(II) Complex for Photovoltaic Cells,” (Y.-G. Kim, R. Mosurkal, L. Li, J. Walker, J. He, L.A. Samuelson, J. Kumar), J. of Macromol. Sci., Part A, 44:12: Pure & Appl. Chem., pp. 1255-1260 (2007).
- “Synthesis and Characterization of Photoactive Amphiphilic Polymers,” (R. Tyagi, M.K. Pandey, S. Malhotra, R. Kumar, J. Kumar, V.S. Parmar, A.C. Watterson), J. of Macromol. Sci., Part A, 44:12: Pure & Appl. Chem., pp. 1283-1287 (2007).
- “Synthesis of Polyaniline Derivatives via Biocatalysis,” (S.-C. Kim, P.H. Huh, J. Kumar, B. Kim, J.-O Lee, F.F. Bruno, L.A. Samuelson), Green Chem., 9, The Royal Society of Chem., pp. 44-48 (2007).
- “Thermochromic Polydiacetylene Micro- and Nanocrystals: Comparison with Bulk Crystals,” (X. Wang, D.J. Sandman, S. Chen, S.P. Gido), Polymer Preprints, 48, (2), pp. 71-72 (2007).
- “Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of the Thermochromic Phase Transition in Urethane-substituted Polydiacetylenes,” (X. Wang, J.E. Whitten, D.J. Sandman), J. Chem. Phys., 126, 184905 (2007).