The following are publications from 2001 for the Center of Advanced Materials
- "Light driven polymer mass transport in azopolymers and fabrication of photonic devices ", S. K. Tripathy; Abstr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc.; 221st(IEC-394,) 2001.
- "Macromolecular self-assembly of exfoliated functional aluminosilicate platelets by layer-by-layer adsorption ", D. W. Kim, A. Blumstein, J. Kumar and S. K. Tripathy; Abstr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc.; 221st(PMSE-099), 2001.
- "Enzyme catalyzed chromophore functionalization of ribonucleic acid ", S. Roy, R. Nagarajan, S. Yang, P. Wu, J. Kumar, L. Samuelson, F. Bruno, V. S. Parmar and S. Tripathy; Abstr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc.; 221st(PMSE-455), 2001.
- "Biological route to novel electronic and photonic materials ", S. Tripathy, W. Liu, R. Nagarajan, P. Wu, S. Roy, J. Kumar, F. F. Bruno and L. Samuelson; Abstr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc.; 221st(POLY-211), 2001.
- "Hinged iron porphyrin catalyst tailored for water soluble electroactive polymer synthesis", S. Roy, R. Nagarajan, F. F. Bruno, S. Tripathy, J. Kumar and L. Samuelson; Abstracts of Papers, 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, August 26-30, 2001; PMSE-123, 2001.
- "Electroabsorption spectroscopy of higher order nonlinear susceptibilities in polymers", J. Kumar, K. Yang, D.-C. Lee, D. Sandman and S. Tripathy; Abstracts of Papers, 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, August 26-30, 2001; POLY-002, 2001.
- "Novel templated polyphenol for ionic conductivity", F. F. Bruno, R. Nagarajan, S. K. Tripathy, J. Kumar and L. A. Samuelson; Abstracts of Papers, 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, August 26-30, 2001; POLY-031,2001.
- "Pulmonary venous drainage into the left atrial appendage facilitates transplantation of the left lung with difficult exposure", M. G. Massad, C. Sirois, S. Tripathy, H. A. Jaffe, N. Snow and A. S. Geha; Annals of Thoracic Surgery; 71(3), 1046-1047., 2001.
- "Finite difference analysis of the flow of a second order liquid past an infinite vertical plate in the presence of a magnetic field", P. Mohapatra, S. Padhy and S. Tripathy; Appl. Mech. Eng.; 6(1), 71-90, 2001.
- "The role of backbone conformation in deltorphin II binding: A QSAR study of new analogues modified in the 5-, 6-positions of the address domain", S. E. Schullery, D. W. Rodgers, S. Tripathy, D. E. Jayamaha, M. D. Sanvordekar, K.Renganathan, C. Mousigian and D. L. Heyl; Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry; 9(10), 2633-2642, 2001.
- "Optical properties of nano-silicon", S. Tripathy, R. K. Soni, S. K. Ghoshal and K. P. Jain; Bull. Mater. Sci.; 24(3), 285-289, 2001.
- "Layered Aluminosilicate/Chromophore Nanocomposites and Their Electrostatic Layer-by-Layer Assembly", D. W. Kim, A. Blumstein, J. Kumar and S. K. Tripathy; Chem. Mater.; 13(2), 243-246, 2001.
- "Nanocomposite Films Derived from Exfoliated Functional Aluminosilicate through Electrostatic Layer-by-Layer Assembly", D. W. Kim, A. Blumstein and S. K. Tripathy; Chem. Mater.; 13(5), 1916-1922, 2001.
- "Nanocomposite Films Derived from Exfoliated Functional Aluminosilicate through Electrostatic Layer-by-Layer Assembly. [ Erratum for 2001, Volume 13 ]", D. W. Kim, A. Blumstein and S. K. Tripathy; Chem. Mater.; 13(8), 2742, 2001.
- "Nanocomposite Derived from Intercalative Spontaneous Polymerization of 2-Ethynylpyridine within Layered Aluminosilicate: Montmorillonite", H. Liu, D. W. Kim, A. Blumstein, J. Kumar and S. K. Tripathy; Chem. Mater.; 13(9), 2756-2758, 2001.
- "Optical alignment of liquid crystals", D. Dantsker, J. Kumar and S. K. Tripathy; J. Appl. Phys.; 89(8), 4318-4325, 2001.
- "Characterization of inductively coupled plasma etched surface of GaN using Cl2/BCl3 chemistry", S. Tripathy, A. Ramam, S. J. Chua, J. S. Pan and A. Huan; J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A; 19(5), 2522-2532, 2001.
- "Comparison of accuracy and safety of computed tomography guided and unguided transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsy in diagnosis of lung lesions", B. K. Dash and S. K. Tripathy; Journal of the Association of Physicians of India; 49(626-629)., 2001.
- "Dose Dependence of the Charge Carrier Mobility and Decay Kinetics in Radiation Polymerized Diacetylenes", R. J. O. M. Hoofman, G. P. van der Laan, L. D. A. Siebbeles, M. P. de Haas, D. Bloor and D. J. Sandman; Macromolecules; 34(3), 474-480, 2001.
- "Mechanistic Study of the Peroxidase-Catalyzed Polymerization of Sulfonated Phenol", W. Liu, A. L. Cholli, J. Kumar, S. Tripathy and L. Samuelson; Macromolecules; 34(11), 3522-3526, 2001.
- "Manipulating DNA Conformation Using Intertwined Conducting Polymer Chains", R. Nagarajan, W. Liu, J. Kumar, S. K. Tripathy, F. F. Bruno and L. A. Samuelson; Macromolecules; 34(12), 3921-3927, 2001.
- "Azo Polymer Multilayer Films by Electrostatic Self-Assembly and Layer-by-Layer Post Azo Functionalization [ Erratum for Volume 33, Number 17, August 22, 2000, pp 6534-6540 ]", S.-H. Lee, S. Balasubramanian, D. Y. Kim, N. K. Viswanathan, S. Bian, J. Kumar and S. K. Tripathy; Macromolecules; 34(23), 8399, 2001.
- "A hinged iron porphyrin catalyst tailored for water soluble electroactive polymer synthesis", S. Roy, R. Nagarajan, F. Bruno, S. Tripathy, J. Kumar and L. Samuelson; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng.; 85, 202-203, 2001.
- "Novel photodynamic azobenzene-modified polymer: azocellulose", S. Yang, L. Li, A. L. Cholli, M. M. Jacob, J. Kumar and S. K. Tripathy; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng.; 85, 613-614, 2001.
- "Polymer information system", Y. Gankin, S. Tripathy, V. Aronov, J. Votano, A. Bilibin, O. Mazurin and V. Shilov; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng.; 85, 630-631, 2001.
- "Intercalation polymerization and macromolecular assembly of ethynylpyridine within layered aluminosilicate", D. W. Kim, A. Blumstein, H. Liu, S. Yang, J. Kumar and S. K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr.; 42(2), 3-4, 2001.
- "Azocellulose: A novel photodynamic polymer characterized by solid-state 13C NMR", A. L. Cholli, S. Yang, M. M. Jacob, J. Kumar and S. K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr.; 42(1), 19-20, 2001.
- "NMR investigation on peroxidase-catalyzed polymerization of sulfonated phenol", A. L. Cholli, W. Liu, J. Kumar, S. Tripathy and L. Samuelson; Polym. Prepr.; 42(1), 35-36, 2001.
- "Synthesis of electronic and photonic polymers intertwined with DNA", R. Nagarajan, S. Yang, S. Roy, J. Kumar, S. Tripathy, F. F. Bruno and L. Samuelson; Polym. Prepr.; 42(2), 518-519, 2001.
- "Nanoreactors for the enzymatic synthesis of conducting polyaniline", L. Samuelson, W. Liu, R. Nagarajan, J. Kumar, F. F. Bruno, A. Cholli and S. Tripathy; Synthetic Metals; 119(1-3), 271-272, 2001.
- "Conjugated polymer information system", Y. Gankin, S. Tripathy, V. Aronov, J. Votano, A. Bilibin, O. Mazurin and V. Shilov; Synthetic Metals; 119(1-3), 387-388, 2001.
- "Chemoenzymatic functionalization of Ribonucleic Acids with azobenzene chromophores", S. Roy, R. Nagarajan, P. Wu, K. Yang, F. F. Bruno, V. S. Parmar, S. K. Tripathy, J. Kumar and L. A. Samuelson; J. Macromol. Sci. Pure Appl. Chem.;(A38), 1383-1392, 2001.
- "Enzymatic synthesis of molecular complexes of polyaniline with DNA and synthetic oligonucleotides: thermal and morphological characterization", R. Nagarajan, S. Roy, J. Kumar, S. Tripathy, T. Dolukhanyan, C. Sung, F. Bruno and L. A. Samuelson; J. Macromol. Sci. Pure Appl. Chem.; (A38), 1519-1537, 2001
- "Novel chemoenzymatic synthesis of azobenzene functionalized Ribonucleic Acid", S. Roy, R. Nagarajan, P. Wu, S. K. Tripathy, J. Kumar, L. Samuelson and F. F. Bruno; MRS Proceedings (660), JJ8.23.1-JJ8.23.6, 2001.
- "Use of hematin for the polymerization of water-soluble conductive polyaniline and polyphenol", F. F. Bruno, R. Nagarajan, S. Roy, J. Kumar, S. K. Tripathy and L. Samuelson; MRS Proceedings (660), JJ8.6.1-JJ8.6.6, 2001.
- “Chitosan as Polycation in Electrostatic Assemblies of Conjugated Polymers,” (M. Kim, C. Sung, D.J. Sandman), Polymer Preprints, 42 (2), 205-206 (2001).
- “N-(3-Cyano-2-Propynyl)Carbazole: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Solid State Reactivity,” (U. Drechsler, D.J. Sandman, B.M. Foxman), J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 581-584 (2001).
- “Polycation Effects on Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Polymers in Programmed Electrostatic Assemblies,” (M. Kim, D.J. Sandman), J. Macromol. Sci., Pure Appl. Chem., A38, 1291-1304 (2001).
- “Reactions of Phthalonitriles with Carbohydrates and Alkali: Phthalocyanine and Oligomer Formation,” (Z.H. Tsai, D.J. Sandman), J. Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 5, 564-568 (2001).
- "Solid State Reactions of Phthalonitrile and Related Compounds," (D.J. Sandman, M.A. Rixman, C. Daudelin, S. Shah, Z. Zhang, N.A. Ellis), Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 356, 91-98 (2001). “Solution and Solid State Polymerization of
- 2,3-Dicyano-5,7-dimethyl-6H-1,4-diazepine,” (I.-B. Kim, B.M. Foxman, J. Njus, D.J. Sandman), Polymer Preprints, 42 (2), 459-460 (2001).
- "Use of Unmodified Carbohydrate Reagents for the Polymerization of Dicyanoalkenes and – Arenes,” (I.-B. Kim, M.A. Rixman, Z.-H. Tsai, D. Wu, J. Njus, J.C. Stark, J. Hankins, D.J. Sandman), Macromolecules, 34, 7576-7578 (2001).