The following are publications from 1998 for the Center of Advanced Materials

  • "Atomic force microscopic investigation on single laser beam induced surface deformation on azobenzene polymer films", S. Bian, L. Li, J. Kumar, D.Y. Kim, J.M. Williams and S.K. Tripathy; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 39(2), 1045-1046, 1998. 
  • "Atomic force microscopy studies of crystals that undergo solid state reaction initiated by ultraviolet or ionizing radiation", M.S. Tith, V. Shivshankar, N. Benfaremo and D.J. Sandman; Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Proceedings of the 1997 13th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, 313,335-340, 1998. 
  • "Azo Chromophore-Functionalized Polyelectrolytes. 1. Synthesis, Characterization, and Photoprocessing", X. Wang, S. Balasubramanian, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and L. Li; Chem. Mater., 10(6), 1546-1553, 1998. 
  • "Azo chromophore-functionalized polyelectrolytes. 2. Acentric self-assembly through a layer-by-layer deposition process", S. Balasubramanian, X. Wang, H.C. Wang, K. Yang, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and L. Li; Chem. Mater., 10(6), 1554-1560, 1998.
  • "Biochemical synthesis of electroactive polymers", K.S. Alva, J. Kumar, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 3321(Smart Materials, Structures, and MEMS),586-597, 1998. 
  • "Biologically derived conducting and water soluble polyaniline", L.A. Samuelson, A. Anagnostopoulos, K.S. Alva, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 31(13), 4376-4378, 1998. 
  • "Bioreceptor-conducting polymer multilayer assemblies for biosensing", L. Samuelson, K.S. Alva, J. Kumar, D. Kaplan and S.K. Tripathy; Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 3321(Smart Materials, Structures, and MEMS),82-93, 1998. 
  • "Characterization of GaN quantum dots on AlGaN/SiC substrate using cathodoluminescence", A. Petersson, S. Tanaka, Y. Aoyagi and L. Samuelson; Materials Science Forum Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Conference on Silicon Carbide, III-Nitrides and Related Materials, ICSCIII. Part 2 (of 2), 264-268 #2(pt 2), 1335-1338, 1998. 
  • "Characterizing the NLO chromophore orientation of polymeric film by electroabsorption spectroscopy", K. Yang, X. Wang, W. Kim, A. Jain, L. Li, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 488 (Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid-State Materials IV),801-806, 1998. 
  • "A comparative study of C60, phthalocyanine, and porphyrin for optical limiting over the visible region", D.N. Rao, E. Blanco, S.V. Rao, F.J. Aranda, D.V.G.L.N. Rao, S. Tripathy and J.A. Akkara; J. Sci. Ind. Res., 57(10 & 11), 664-667, 1998.
  • "Design, methodology and preparation of novel polymers for nonlinear optics", K.G. Chittibabu, L. Li, S. Balasubramanian, X. Wang, M. Sukwattanasinitt, K. Yang, J. Kumar, D.J. Sandman and S.K. Tripathy; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials IV, 488,795-800, 1998. 
  • "Determining the chromophore orientation in self-assembled multilayer polymer film by electroabsorption spectroscopy", K. Yang, X. Wang, S. Balasubramanian, J. Kumar and S. Tripathy; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 39(2), 1129-1130, 1998. 
  • "Dispersion of the nonlinear absorption of copper phthalocyanine in a silica xerogel matrix through the visible spectrum", E. Blanco, D.N. Rao, F.J. Aranda, D.V.G.L.N. Rao, S. Tripathy, J.A. Akkara, R. Litran and M. Ramirez-del-Solar; Journal of Applied Physics, 83(6), 3441-3443, 1998. 
  • "DNA bound to polypyrrole films: high-resolution imaging, DNA binding kinetics and internal migration", R. Pande, G.C. Ruben, J.O. Lim, S. Tripathy and K.A. Marx; Biomaterials, 19(18), 1657-1667, 1998. 
  • "Electroabsorption investigation of a nonlinear optical azo polymer", K. Yang, X. Wang, A. Jain, L. Li, S. Tripathy and J. Kumar; MCLC S&T, Sect. B: Nonlinear Opt., 19(3), 215-226, 1998. 
  • "Electroabsorption spectroscopy study of an azopolymer film fabricated by electrostatic adsorption", K. Yang, S. Balasubramanian, X. Wang, J. Kumar and S. Tripathy; Applied Physics Letters, 73(23), 3345-3347, 1998.
  • "Electrochemical Activity of Conducting Amorphous Carbon Films Noncrystalline Solids,", V. Meenakshi, A. Sayeed, S.V. Subramanyam, K.S. Alva and S.K. Tripathy; submitted to Journal of Non Crystalline Solid, 1998. 
  • "Electrostatic multilayer deposition of a gold-dendrimer nanocomposite", J.-A. He, K. Yang, R. Valluzzi, L. Samuelson, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, L. Balogh and D.A. Tomalia; Book of Abstracts, 216th ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 23-27, MACR-033. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 66KYA2 Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English.,1998. 
  • "Enhanced performance of polythiophene derivative based light emitting diodes by addition of europium and ruthenium complexes", M.J. Cazeca, K.G. Chittibabu, J. Kim, J. Kumar, A. Jain, W. Kim and S.K. Tripathy; Synthetic Metals, 98(1), 45-49, 1998. 
  • "Enzyme-catalyzed polymerization of 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonate by in situ nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy", K.S. Alva, L. Samuelson, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and A.L. Cholli; Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 70(7), 1257-1264, 1998. 
  • "Enzymically Synthesized Photodynamic Polyaniline Containing Azobenzene Groups", K.S. Alva, T.-S. Lee, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Chem. Mater., 10(5), 1270-1275, 1998.
  • "Fabrication and Properties of Polymer Light Emitting Diodes Based on New Lanthanide Complex Containing Polymers", J.K.Y.G. Kim, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and F. Meeting; Materials Research Society, 1998. 
  • "Fabrication of Multilayer Thin Films via Metal-Macromolecular Ligand Complexation,", J. Kim, S.K. Tripathy and J. Kumar; Supramolecular Science, 1998. 
  • "Fabrication of polymer LED through layer-by-layer complexation of water-soluble conjugated polymer - Europium(III) multilayers", J. Kim, K.G. Chittibabu, M.J. Cazeca, H.-C. Wang, W. Kim, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 39(2), 994-995, 1998. 
  • "Fabrication of polymer light emitting diodes by layer-by-layer complexation technique", J. Kim, K.G. Chittibabu, M.J. Cazeca, W. Kim, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 488 (Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid-State Materials IV),527-532, 1998. 
  • "Functionalizable Self-Assembling Polydiacetylenes and Their Optical Properties", M. Sukwattanasinitt, X. Wang, L. Li, X. Jiang, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D.J. Sandman; Chem. Mater., 10(1), 27-29, 1998. 
  • "Generalized expressions of effective nonlinear optical coefficient for noncollinear phase matching in uniaxial and cubic media", K. Yang, S. Tripathy and J. Kumar; MCLC S&T, Sect. B: Nonlinear Opt., 19(1), 31-49, 1998. 
  • "A Generalized Treatment of the Surface Relief Grating Formation Mechanism on Azo Polymer Thin Films", N.K. Viswanathan, S. Balasubramanian, L. Li, S.K. Tripathy and J. Kumar; submitted to Journal of Applied Physics, 1998. 
  • "Gradient force: the mechanism for surface relief grating formation in azobenzene functionalized polymers", J. Kumar, L. Li, X.L. Jiang, D.-Y. Kim, T.S. Lee and S. Tripathy; Applied Physics Letters, 72(17), 2096-2098, 1998. 
  • "Growth of self-assembled InAs and InAsxP1-x dots on InP by metallorganic vapour phase epitaxy", N. Carlsson, T. Junno, L. Montelius, M.-E. Pistol, L. Samuelson and W. Seifert; Journal of Crystal Growth, 191(3), 347-356, 1998. 
  • "Heteroaromatic chromophore functionalized epoxy-based nonlinear optical polymers", X. Wang, K. Yang, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, K.G. Chittibabu, L. Li and G. Lindsay; Macromolecules, 31(13), 4126-4134, 1998. 
  • "Horseradish peroxidase catalyzed polymerization of amphiphilic tyrosine derivatives in micelles", R. Sarma, K.S. Alva, K.A. Marx, J.A. Akkara, D.L. Kaplan and S.K. Tripathy; Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 3321(Smart Materials, Structures, and MEMS),598-608, 1998.
  • "Intercalation compounds of poly (2-ethynyl pyridine) with CA2+ and H+-montmorillonites", A. Blumstein, H. Liu and S. Tripathy; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 39(2), 701-702, 1998.
  • "Liquid crystal alignment using optically induced surface relief gratings on AZO polymer films", D.-Y. Kim, J. Kumar and S. Tripathy; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 39(2), 1107-1108, 1998. 
  • "Nanocomposites of poly(2-ethynyl pyridine) with Ca and H-montmorillonite", H. Liu, A. Blumstein and S. Tripathy; Book of Abstracts, 216th ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 23-27, MACR-035. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 66KYA2 Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English.,1998. 
  • "New Polydiacetylenes with Visible Chromophoric Side Groups", J.L. Foley, V. Shivshankar and D.J. Sandman; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials IV, 488,683-687, 1998. 
  • "New polydiacetylenes with visible chromophoric sidegroups", J.L. Foley and D.J. Sandman; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society Proceedings of the 1997 Boston Meeting, 39(2), 556-557, 1998. 
  • "Novel Developments in Photo-Fabrication of Holographic Surface Gratings on Polymers", S.K. Tripathy, D.Y. Kim, L. Li and J. Kumar; Chemtech, 28,34-40, 1998. 
  • "Novel Photodynamic Polyaniline Containing Azobenzene Groups in the Main Chain: Synthesis, Characterization and Optical Properties", K.S. Alva, T.S. Lee, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Chemistry of Materials, 1998. 
  • "Oriented bacteriorhodopsin (nanosized PM fragments)/polycation films by electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly", L. Samuelson, J.-A. He, L. Li, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society Proceedings of the 1997 Boston Meeting, 39(2), 376-377, 1998. 
  • "Oriented bacteriorhodopsin/polycation multilayers by electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly", J.-A. He, L. Samuelson, L. Li, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Langmuir, 14(7), 1674-1679, 1998. 
  • "Photoelectric properties of oriented bacteriorhodopsin/polycation multilayers by electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly", J.-A. He, L. Samuelson, L. Li, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102(36), 7067-7072, 1998. 
  • "Photofabrication of surface relief gratings using photodynamic polymers", S. Tripathy, D.-Y. Kim, X.L. Jiang, L. Li, T. Lee, X. Wang and J. Kumar; Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol., Sect. A, 314,245-255, 1998. 
  • "Photofabrication of surfaces for holograms", S. Tripathy, D.-Y. Kim, L. Li and J. Kumar; CHEMTECH, 28(5), 34-40, 1998. 
  • "Photo-induced holographic surface relief gratings in high Tg main-chain azoaromatic polymer films", T.S. Lee, D.-Y. Kim, X.L. Jiang, J. Kumar and S. Tripathy; Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol., Sect. A, 316,95-98, 1998. 
  • "Photoinduced surface relief gratings in high-Tg main-chain azoaromatic polymer films", T.S. Lee, D.-Y. Kim, X.L. Jiang, L. Li, J. Kumar and S. Tripathy; Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 36(2), 283-289, 1998. 
  • "Photovoltaic Heterostructure Devices Made of Sequentially Adsorbed PPV and C60,", H. Mattoussi, X.L. Jiang, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and M.F. Rubner; MRS Symposium Proceedings, Electrical Optical & Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials IV, 488,1998. 
  • "Polarization dependence of holographic surface relief gratings recorded on azobenzene polymers", X.L. Jiang, J. Kumar, D.Y. Kim, L. Li and S.K. Tripathy; Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 3321(Smart Materials, Structures, and MEMS),336-345, 1998. 
  • "Polydiacetylenes with Long Wavelength Absorption", J.L. Foley, L. Li and D.J. Sandman; Chem. Mater., 10,3984-3990, 1998. 
  • "Polyelectrolyte containing buckminster fullerene I: free radical copolymerization of 4-vinylbenzoic acid with C60", P.L. Nayak, K.S. Alva, K. Yang, P.K. Dhal, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Macromol.--New Front., Proc. IUPAC Int. Symp. Adv. Polym. Sci. Technol. (K.S.V. Srinivasan eds.), 1, 142-145, 1998. 
  • "Polyelectrolyte-Containing Fullerene I: Synthesis and Characterization of the Copolymers of 4-Vinylbenzoic Acid with C60", P.L. Nayak, K. Yang, P.K. Dhal, S. Alva, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Chem. Mater., 10(8), 2058-2066, 1998. 
  • "Polymer Light Emitting Diodes by Layer-by-Layer Complexation Fabrication Technique,", J. Kim, K.G. Chittibabu, M.C.H. Wang, W. Kim, S.K. Tripathy and J. Kumar; submitted to Langmuir, 1998. 
  • "Preparation and Luminescence Characteristics of a Novel Ligand for Lanthanide Metal Complexes", J. Kim, Y.G. Kim, D.Y. Kim, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and F. Meeting; Materials Research Society, 1998. 
  • "Recent advances in polymers for electronics and optics", S.K. Tripathy, D.-Y. Kim, L. Li and J. Kumar; Pure and Applied Chemistry, 70(6), 1267-1270, 1998. 
  • "Recent advances in polymers for electronics and optics", S. Tripathy, D.-Y. Kim, L. Li and J. Kumar; Macromolecules -- New Frontiers., Proc. IUPAC Int. Symp. Adv. Polym. Sci. Technol. (K.S.V. Srinivasan eds.), 1, 285-288, 1998. 
  • "Role of the free surface in the formation of relief gratings on azo polymer films", N.K. Viswanathan, S. Balasubramanian, L. Li, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society Proceedings of the 1997 Boston Meeting, 39(2), 296-29, 1998.
  • "Self assembly of organic microcrystals 1: Electrostatic attachment of polydiacetylene microcrystals on a polyelectrolyte surface", S.K. Tripathy, H. Katagi, H. Kasai, S. Balasubramanian, H. Oshikiri, J. Kumar, H. Oikawa, S. Okada and H. Nakanishi; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters, 37(3B), L343-L345, 1998. 
  • "Self-assembling functionalizable polydiacetylenes and their optical properties", M. Sukwattanasinitt, X. Wang, D.-C. Lee, L. Li, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D.J. Sandman; Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 488(Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid-State Materials IV),683-688, 1998. 
  • "Single laser beam-induced surface deformation on azobenzene polymer films", S. Bian, L. Li, J. Kumar, D.Y. Kim, J. Williams and S.K. Tripathy; Applied Physics Letters, 73(13), 1817-1819, 1998. 
  • "Size reduction of self assembled quantum dots by annealing", J. Johansson, W. Seifert, V. Zwiller, T. Junno and L. Samuelson; Applied Surface Science, 134(1-4), 47-52, 1998. 
  • "Solid state NMR acetylene carbon shift nonequivalence in a polydiacetylene crystal", A.L. Cholli, D.J. Sandman and W. Maas; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 39(2), 746-747, 1998. 
  • "Some comments on experimental aspects of the use of ionizing radiation to initiate solid state reactions", V. Shivshankar, H. Moon and D.J. Sandman; Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Proceedings of the 1997 13th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, 313,367-371, 1998. 
  • "Surface-initiated mechanism for the formation of relief gratings on azo-polymer films", N.K. Viswanathan, S. Balasubramanian, L. Li, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102(31), 6064-6070, 1998.
  • "Synthesis and characterization of luminescent polymers of distyrylbenzenes with oligo(ethylene glycol) spacers", N. Benfaremo, D.J. Sandman, S. Tripathy, J. Kumar, K. Yang, M.F. Rubner and C. Lyons; Macromolecules, 31(11), 3595-3599, 1998. 
  • "Synthesis and Characterization of Polyphenols From Peroxidase Catalyzed Reactions", J.A. Akkara, F. Bruno, L.A. Samuelson, P. Salapu, D.L. Kaplan, B.K. Mandal, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; submitted to Journal of Enzymatic and Microbial Technology, 1998. 
  • "Synthesis and self-assembled multilayer thin film formation of water-soluble conjugated aromatic polyimines", T.S. Lee, J. Kim, J. Kumar and S. Tripathy; Macromol. Chem. Phys., 199(7), 1445-1450, 1998. 
  • "Synthesis and unexpected reactivity of 2-benzylidene-4,5-dicyano-1,3-dithiole", M.A. Rixman and D.J. Sandman; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society Proceedings of the 1997 Boston Meeting, 39(2), 558-559, 1998. 
  • "Synthesis, homopolymerization, and block copolymerization of N-ethyl-2-ethynyl-pyridinium trifluoromethanesulfonate with styrene and butadiene", L. Balogh, L. Samuelson, K.S. Alva and A. Blumstein; Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 36(5), 703-712, 1998.
  • "Synthesis, optical properties, and self assembly of water soluble polydiacetylenes", D.-C. Lee, M. Sukwattanasinitt, X. Wang, L. Li, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D.J. Sandman; Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society Proceedings of the 1997 Boston Meeting, 39(2), 554-555, 1998. 
  • "Temperature dependent photoluminescence and electroluminescence properties of polythiophene with hydrogen bonding side chain", S.-D. Jung, D.-H. Hwang, T. Zyung, W.H. Kim, K.G. Chittibabu and S.K. Tripathy; Synthetic Metals, 98(2), 107-111, 1998. 
  • "Template-guided enzymic polymerization of aniline", A. Anagnostopoulos, L.A. Samuelson, K.S. Alva, A.L. Cholli, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Book of Abstracts, 215th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, March 29-April 2, PMSE-138,1998.
  • "Unusual polarization dependent optical erasure of surface relief gratings on azobenzene polymer films", X.L. Jiang, L. Li, J. Kumar, D.Y. Kim and S.K. Tripathy; Applied Physics Letters, 72(20), 2502-2504, 1998.