The following are Publications from 1993-1995 for the Center of Advanced Materials
- "Advanced materials from enzymic polymerization of substituted phenols in ordered templates", M.S. Ayyagari, F.F. Bruno, S.K. Tripathy, K.A. Marx, D.L. Kaplan, J.A. Akkara and D.V.G.L.N. Rao; Polym. Other Adv. Mater., [Proc. Int. Conf. Front. Polym. Adv. Mater.], 3rd (P.N. Prasad, J.E. Mark and J.F. Tung eds.), 667-675, 1995.
- "Amphiphilic ionic polyacetylenes: Self-assembly and L-B multilayers", P. Zhou, L. Samuelson, K.S. Alva and A. Blumstein; Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Proceedings of the 1995 Fall ACS Meeting, 73,310, 1995.
- "Aspects of a Biosensor Development", M. Ayyagari, S.D. Kamtekar, R. Pands, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D.L. Kaplan; Materials Science & Engineering: C2, 191-196, 1995.
- "Azobenzene Side Chain Polymer Films for Optically Induced Hologrpahic Surface Relief Gratings", D.Y. Kim, L. Li, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Optical Society of America, Technical Digest Series, 21 (Organic Thin Films for Photonics Applications),361-364, 1995.
- "Biosensors for pesticide detection based on alkaline phosphatase-catalyzed chemiluminescence", M.S. Ayyagari, S. Kamtekar, R. Pande, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D.L. Kaplan; Materials Science & Engineering C: Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems, 2(4), 191-196, 1995.
- "Characterization of asymmetric polydiacetylene ultrathin films", D.W. Cheong, V. Shivshankar, H.C. Wang, C.M. Sung, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 382(Structure and Properties of Multilayered Thin Films), 265-70,265-270, 1995.
- "A chemiluminescence-based biosensor for metal ion detection", S.D. Kamtekar, R. Pande, M.S. Ayyagari, K.A. Marx, D.L. Kaplan, K. Jayant and S.K. Tripathy; Materials Science and Engineering, C, C3(2), 79-83, 1995.
- "Chemiluminescence-based inhibition kinetics of alkaline phosphatase in the development of a pesticide biosensor", M.S. Ayyagari, S. Kamtekar, R. Pande, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, J. Akkara and D.L. Kaplan; Biotechnol. Prog., 11(6), 699-703, 1995.
- "The Chromic Phase Transition in Hydrogen Bonded Polydiacetylenes", V. Shivshankar, C. Sung, S.K. Tripathy, J. Kumar and D.J. Sandman; Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., submitted., 1995.
- "Chromophore functionalized polythiophene derivative as a photorefractive material", K.G. Chittibabu, L. Li, Z. Chen, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 73,475-476, 1995.
- "Controlled free-radical polymerization of phenol derivatives by enzyme-catalyzed reactions in organic solvents", M.S. Ayyagari, K.A. Marx, S.K. Tripathy, J.A. Akkara and D.L. Kaplan; Macromolecules, 28(15), 5192-5197, 1995.
- "Deep level transient spectroscopy of InP quantum dots", S. Anand, N. Carlsson, M.-E. Pistol, L. Samuelson and W. Seifert; Applied Physics Letters, 67(20), 3016, 1995.
- "Design of new polydiacetylenes as self assembling second order nonlinear optical polymers", W.H. Kim, X.L. Jiang, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 67(12), 2023-2030, 1995.
- "Effect of post-flowering foliar application of nutrients on growth, yield and economics of rain-fed groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L)", A.K. Patra, S.K. Tripathy and R.C. Samui; Indian J. Plant Physiol., 38(3), 203-206, 1995.
- "Enzymatic mediated synthesis of conjugated polymers at the langmuir trough air-water interface", F.F. Bruno, J.A. Akkara, L.A. Samuelson, D.L. Kaplan, B.K. Mandal, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Langmuir, 11(3), 889-892, 1995.
- "Enzyme-Mediated Two-Dimensional Polymerization of Aromatic Derivatives on a Langmuir Trough", F.F. Bruno, J.A. Akkara, D.L. Kaplan, P. Sekher, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 34(11), 4009-15, 1995.
- "Influence of supramolecular template organization on mineralization", A.L. Litvin, L.A. Samuelson, D.H. Charych, W. Spevak and D.I. Kaplan; Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99(32), 12065-12068, 1995.
- "Integrating biotinylated polyalkylthiophene thin films with biological macromolecules: biosensing organophosphorus pesticides and metal ions with surface immobilized alkaline phosphatase utilizing", R. Pande, S. Kamtekar, M.S. Ayyagari, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D.L. Kaplan; Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Smart Structures and Materials 1995: Smart Materials Feb 27-28 95, 2441,12-22, 1995.
- "Interpenetrating polymer network for second-order nonlinear optics", L. Li, J.I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Optics Communications, 116(4-6), 421-424, 1995.
- "Investigation of Thermochromic Polydiacetylenes by Atomic Force", V. Shivshankar, D.J. Sandman, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and C. Sung; Proceedings , Microscopy and Microanalysis (G.W. Bailey, J.H. Ellisman, R.A. Hennigar and N.J. Zaluzec eds.), 490-491, 1995.
- "Large and stable second harmonic generation in a crystalline phase of a ferroelectric liquid crystal", S. Sprunt, J. Naciri, B.R. Ratna, R. Shashidhar, B. Bihari, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Applied Physics Letters, 66(12), 1443-1445, 1995.
- "Laser-induced holographic surface relief gratings on nonlinear optical polymer films", D.Y. Kim, S.K. Tripathy, L. Li and J. Kumar; Applied Physics Letters, 66(10), 1166-1168, 1995.
- "Liquid crystalline texture in glycine-modified diacetylene langmuir monolayers at room temperature", A.L. Litvin, L.A. Samuelson, D.H. Charych, W. Spevak and D.L. Kaplan; Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99(2), 492-495, 1995.
- "Low loss second-order nonlinear optical polymers based on all organic sol-gel materials", R.J. Jeng, G.H. Hsiue, J.I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, L. Li, X.L. Jiang, R.A. Moody, C.E. Masse, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 55(2), 209-214, 1995.
- "Molecular assembly of proteins and conjugated polymers: toward development of biosensors", M.S. Ayyagari, R. Pande, S. Kamtekar, H. Gao, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, J.A. Akkara and D.L. Kaplan; Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 45(2), 116-121, 1995.
- "Novel polycarbonate diacetylene materials for optical limiting -- Materials for Optical Limiting", D.J. Sandman, J.L. Conroy and J. Piche; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the 1994 MRS Fall Meeting, 374,73-78, 1995.
- "Novel Unsymmetrical Polydiacetylenes as Materials for Second- and Third-Order Nonlinear Optics", C.E. Masse, K. Vander Wiede, W.H. Kim, X.L. Jiang, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Chemistry of Materials, 7(5), 904-8, 1995.
- "Observation of strain effects in semiconductor dots depending on cap layer thickness", M.-E. Pistol, N. Carlsson, C. Persson, W. Seifert and L. Samuelson; Applied Physics Letters, 67(10), 1438-1440, 1995.
- "Optical characterization of quantum wires and quantum dots", L. Samuelson, A. Gustafsson, D. Hessman, J. Lindahl, L. Montelius, A. Petersson and M.-E. Pistol; Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research, 152(1), 269-280, 1995.
- "Optically induced holographic surface relief gratings on azobenzene side chain polymer films", D.Y. Kim, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 73,477-478, 1995.
- "Photoconduction in a polydiacetylene film", T. Ravindran, W.H. Kim, A.K. Jain, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 7(7), 1315-1325, 1995.
- "Polarized laser induced holographic surface relief gratings on polymer films", D.Y. Kim, L. Li, X.L. Jiang, V. Shivshankar, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 28(26), 8835-8839, 1995.
- "Polymers for second-order nonlinear optical applications", S. Tripathy, J. Kumar, S. Marturunkakul, J.-I. Chen and L. Li; Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Technical Conference. Part 2 (of 3), 2(3), 1611-1612, 1995.
- "Response of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) to sulfur", A.K. Patra, S.K. Tripathy and R.C. Samui; Indian J. Agric. Sci., Volume Date 1995, 65(8), 597-8, 1995.
- "Second-order nonlinear optical interpenetrating polymer networks", S. Marturunkakul, J.I. Chen, L. Li, X.L. Jiang, R.J. Jeng, S.K. Sengupta, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; ACS Symp. Ser., 601,198-204, 1995.
- "Self assembled asymmetrically substituted polydiacetylene as a novel second order NLO material", S.K. Tripathy, W.H. Kim, B. Bihari, R. Moody and J. Kumar; Synthetic Metals Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM'94). Part III, 71 #3(1-3 pt 3), 1675-1678, 1995.
- "Self-assembled spin-coated and bulk films of a novel poly(diacetylene) as second-order nonlinear optical polymers", W.H. Kim, B. Bihari, R. Moody, N.B. Kodali, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 28(2), 642-647, 1995.
- "Silicon-Organic Semiconductor Heterojunction Photovoltaic Devices Using Poly(3-hexylthiophene)", C.S. Kuo, F.G. Wakim, S.K. Sengupta and S.K. Tripathy; Progress in Photovoltaics, 1995.
- "Sol-Gel Encapsulated Light-Transducing Protein Phycoerythrin: A New Biomaterial", Z. Chen, L.A. Samuelson, J. Akkara, D.L. Kaplan, H. Gao, J. Kumar, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Chem. Mater., 7(10), 1779-83, 1995.
- "Stable highly transparent nonlinear optical polymer for laser frequency doubling", M. Cazeca, X.L. Jiang, C.E. Masse, M. Kamath, R.J. Jeng, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Optics Communications, 117(1-2), 127-132, 1995.
- "Structure and solid-state polymerization of 1,6-bis(3',6'-dibromo-N- carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadiyne", D.J. Sandman, C.S. Velazquez, S.H.W. Hankin and B.M. Foxman; Macromolecules, 28(24), 8142-8146, 1995.
- "Synthesis and characterization of polyphenols and polyanilines from peroxidase-mediated reactions on a Langmuir trough", F.F. Bruno, J.A. Akkara, L.A. Samuelson, D.L. Kaplan, B.K. Mandal, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Adv. Sci. Technol., 10(Intelligent Materials and Systems),99-106, 1995.
- "Tapered fiber tips for fiber optic biosensors", H.H. Gao, Z. Chen, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D.L. Kaplan; Opt. Eng. (Bellingham, Wash.), Volume Date 1995, 34(12), 3465-70, 1995.
- "Transmission electron microscopy of InP Stranski-Krastanow islands buried in GaInP", L.R. Wallenberg, K. Georgsson, W. Seifert, N. Carlsson, J. Lindahl and L. Samuelson; Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research, 150(1), 479-487, 1995.
- "Urethane Substituted Polydiacetylenes as Smart Materials for Chromic and Other Optical Applications", D.J. Sandman; Proc. ACS Div. Polym. Matls. : Sci. and Eng., 72,162-163, 1995.
- "Absence of photoinduced electron transfer from the excitonic electron-hole bound state in polydiacetylene conjugated polymers", N.S. Sariciftci, B. Kraabel, C.H. Lee, K. Pakbaz, A.J. Heeger and D.J. Sandman; Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter, 50(16), 12044-12051, 1994.
- "Bacteriorhodopsin as a Potential Storage Medium for 3-D Optical Memory", Z. Chen, A. Lewis, S.K. Tripathy, J. Kumar, K. Marx, J. Akkara and D. Kaplan; Biomolecular Materials by Design 330 MRS, Pittsburgh (M. Aper, H. Bayley, D. Kaplan and M. Navia eds.), 263-268, 1994.
- "Biomimetic membrane and interface templates for enzyme-based polymerization reactions", J.A. Akkara, M. Ayyagari, F. Bruno, L. Samuelson, V.T. John, C. Karayigitoglu, S. Tripathy, K.A. Marx and D.V.G.L.N. Rao; Biomimetics, 2(4), 331-339, 1994.
- "Biotinylated polyalkylthiophene thin films and monolayers that specifically incorporate phycobiliproteins: Toward smart materials", M. Ayyagari, R. Pande, J.O. Lim, M. Kamath, N. Beladakere, H. Gao, K. Marx, S. Tripathy, J. Kumar, L. Samuelson, J. Akkara and D. Kaplan; Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2189(SMART MATERIALS),116-125, 1994.
- "Biotinylated thiophene copolymer - a novel biomaterial for LB film assembly -- Biomolecular Materials by Design", K.G. Chittibabu, M. Kamath, J.-O. Lim, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the MRS Symposium, 330,185-190, 1994.
- "Chemiluminescence-Based Pesticide Biosensor Utilizing the Intelligent Evolved Properties of the Enzyme Alkaline Phosphatase", M. Ayyagari, S. Kamtekar, R. Pande, K. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D. Kaplan; Proc. of the Second International Conf. on Intelligent Materials eds.), 85-96, 1994.
- "Conducting polymer encapsulated photodynamic protein as biomaterials for signal transduction", S.K. Tripathy, Z. Chen, K.G. Chittibabu, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar, L.A. Samuleson, J. Akkara and D.L. Kaplan; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 71,773-774, 1994.
- "Conformational polymorphism of di-2-naphthyl ditelluride", D.J. Sandman, L. Li, S. Tripathy, J.C. Stark, L.A. Acampora and B.M. Foxman; Organometallics, 13(1), 348-353, 1994.
- "Diacetylenes For Second and Third Order Nonlinear Optics", C.E. Masse, W.H. Kim, X.L. Jiang, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; International Symposium Proceeding, Functional and High Performance Polymers eds.), 69, 1994.
- "Effect of plant growth regulators on groundnut", S.K. Tripathy, A.K. Patra and R.C. Samui; Environ. Ecol., 12(4), 788-90, 1994.
- "Enzyme catalyzed polymerization of phenol and aniline derivatives on a Langmuir trough to form ordered 2-D polymer films", F.F. Bruno, K.A. Marx, S.K. Tripathy, J.A. Akkara, L.A. Samuelson and D.L. Kaplan; Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 5(5), 631-634, 1994.
- "Enzyme Mediated Two Dimensional Polymerization of Aromatic Derivatives on a Langmuir Trough", F.F. Bruno, J.A. Akkara, D.L. Kaplan, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; submitted to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 1994.
- "Experimental Study of Tapered Fiber Tip Configuration for the Application of Fiber Optic-Based Biosensor", H. Gao, Z. Chen, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and D.L. Kaplan; submitted to Optical Engineering, 1994.
- "Fabrication of an ultrathin film of a conjugated polymer and and NLO dye", H. Okawa, L. Li, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, T. Wada and H. Sasabe; Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol., Sect. A, 255,159-165, 1994.
- "Improved compressive strength ordered polymer fibers via radiation-induced crosslinking", R.F. Kovar, J. Richard, M. Druy, S. Tripathy, L.T. Edwin and A. Anwar; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 35(2), 900, 1994.
- "Intelligent biomaterials based on Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers films. Biotinylated polymers-streptavidin and biotinylated lipid-streptavidin recognition incorporating photodynamic proteins", K.A. Marx, L.A. Samuelson, M. Kamath, J.O. Lim, S. Sengupta, D. Kaplan, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Adv. Chem. Ser. (R.R. Birge eds.), 240 (Molecular and Biomolecular Electronics), 395-412, 1994.
- "Intelligent materials properties of DNA and strategies for its incorporation into electroactive polymeric thin film systems", K.A. Marx, J.O. Lim, D. Minehan, R. Pande, M. Kamath and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 5(4), 447-454, 1994.
- "Intelligent systems based on ordered arrays of biological molecules using the LB technique", L.A. Samuelson, B. Wiley, D.L. Kaplan, S. Sengupta, M. Kamath, J.O. Lim, M. Cazeca, J. Kumar, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 5(3), 305-310, 1994.
- "Interfacing conducting polymers and biological macromolecules: a case study of insecticide biosensor development -- Biomolecular Materials by Design", K. Marx, M. Ayyagari, S. Kamtekar, R. Pande, J. Ok Lim, M. Kamath, K.G. Chittibabu, S. Tripathy, J. Kumar, L. Samuelson, J. Akkara and D. Kaplan; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the MRS Symposium, 330,309-319, 1994.
- "Interpenetrating polymer networks as stable second-order nonlinear optical materials", J. Kumar, L. Li, J.I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul and S.K. Tripathy; Emerging Optoelectron. Technol., Proc. Conf., 2nd (A. Selvarajan eds.), 471-474, 1994.
- "Kinetics of DNA binding to electrically conducting polypyrrole films", D.S. Minehan, K.A. Marx and S.k. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 27(3), 777-783, 1994.
- "Molecular recognition between a biotinylated polythiophene copolymer and phycoerythrin utilizing the biotin-streptavidin interaction", L.A. Samuelson, D.L. Kaplan, J.O. Lim, M. Kamath, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Thin Solid Films Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films. Part 1 (of 3), 242 #3(1-2), 50-55, 1994.
- "Molecular self assembly on optical fiber-based fluorescence sensor", M.S. Ayyagari, H.H. Gao, B. Bihari, K.G. Chittibabu, J. Kumar, K.A. Marx, D.L. Kaplan and S.K. Tripathy; Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors V, 2068,168-178, 1994.
- "New developments in second-order nonlinear optical polymeric materials -- Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials", S.K. Tripathy, W.H. Kim, B. Bihari, D.W. Cheong and J. Kumar; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the MRS 1993 Fall Meeting, 328,433-442, 1994.
- "Non-Empirical Electronic Structure Calculations of Tetrapyrrole Chromophores in Phycobiliproteins", N.N. Beladakere, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; submitted to International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 1994.
- "Nonlinear optical polymers derived from organic/inorganic composites -- Better Ceramics Through Chemistry VI", S.K. Tripathy, J. Kumar, J.I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, R.J. Jeng, L. Li and X.L. Jiang; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the 1994 MRS Spring Meeting, 346,531-540, 1994.
- "Nonthermochromic forms of the polydiacetylene ETCD -- Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials", D.J. Sandman, M.J. Downey and S.H.W. Hankin; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the MRS 1993 Fall Meeting (A.F. Garito, A.K.-Y. Jen, C.Y.-C. Lee and L.R. Dalton eds.), 328, 101-106, 1994.
- "Novel fiber-optic biosensor for pesticide detection", H.H. Gao, M.S.R. Ayyagari, S. Kamtekar, J. Kumar, K.A. Marx, S.K. Tripathy and D.L. Kaplan; Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 8,211, 1994.
- "Novel organic sol-gel materials for second-order nonlinear optics", R.J. Jeng, G.H. Hsiue, J.I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, L. Li, X.L. Jiang, C. Masse, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials Proceedings of the MRS 93 Fall Meeting Nov 29-Dec 3 1992, 328,583-588, 1994.
- "Novel polydiacetylenes as materials for second and third order nonlinear optics -- Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials", W.H. Kim, C.E. Masse, B. Bihari, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the MRS 1993 Fall Meeting, 328,667-672, 1994.
- "Novel polydiacetylenes with chromophoric substituents: materials for second and third order nonlinear optics", C.E. Masse, W.H. Kim, K. VanderWiede, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Optical Probes of Conjugated Polymers and Fullerenes, 256,611-616, 1994.
- "Novel, soluble poly(diacetylene) containing an aromatic substituent", W.H. Kim, N.B. Kodali, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 27(7), 1819-1824, 1994.
- "Optical, Calorimetric, and Mass Spectroscopic Study of Nonthermochromic Forms of the Polydiacetylene ETCD", C.A. Sandstedt, C.J. Eckhardt, M.J. Downey and D.J. Sandman; Chemistry of Materials, 6,1346-1350, 1994.
- "Photocarrier generation and transport in a partially polymerized polydiacetylene", T. Ravindran, A.K. Jain, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 6(35), 7045-7054, 1994.
- "Photocrosslinkable conducting polymers as nonlinear optical materials", L. Li, K.G. Chittibabu, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Photopolymers and Applications in Holography, Optical Data Storage, Optical Sensors, and Interconnects Optical Sensors, and Interconnects Optical Sensors, and Interconnects, 2042,376-383, 1994.
- "Photodynamic protein incorporated in conducting polymer and sol-gel matrixes: Toward smart materials for information storage and processing", Z. Chen, K.G. Chittibabu, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, L.A. Samuelson, J. Akkara and D.L. Kaplan; Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2189(SMART MATERIALS),105-115, 1994.
- "Photoelectrochemical Response of Benzoporphyrins in Solution and Solid Films", K.S. Alva, K. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, L.A. Samuelson, J.A. Akkara and D.L. Kaplan; submitted to Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1994.
- "Polyimide/inorganic composite - interpenetrating polymer network for stable second-order nonlinear optics -- Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials", S. Marturunkakul, J.-I. Chen, L. Li, X.L. Jiang, R.J. Jeng, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the MRS 1993 Fall Meeting, 328,541-546, 1994.
- "Relaxation study of poled nonlinear optical polymers by infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy", J.I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, Y.M. Chen, R.J. Jeng, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; European Polymer Journal, 30(12), 1357-1362, 1994.
- "Schottky and metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes using poly(3-hexylthiophene)", C.S. Kuo, F.G. Wakim, S.K. Sengupta and S.K. Tripathy; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers & Short Notes & Review Papers, 33(5A), 2629-2632, 1994.
- "Second Harmonic Generation of Bacteriorhodopsin and its Application for Three-Dimensional Optical Memory", Z. Chen, A. Lewis, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, A. Marx, J. and D. Kaplan; MRS Proceedings, 330,263-268, 1994.
- "Second-order nonlinear optical properties of a polymer exhibiting optical transparency down to 340 nm", M. Kamath, C.E. Masse, R.J. Jeng, M. Cazeca, X.L. Jiang, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Macromolecular Science - Pure and Applied Chemistry, A31(12), 2011-2018, 1994.
- "Self assembled asymmetrically substituted polydiacetylene as a novel second order NLO material", W.H. Kim, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 71,744-745, 1994.
- "Self Assembled Spin Coated Films of Asymmetrically Substituted Polydiacetylene As Second Order NLO Polymers", S.K. Tripathy, W.H. Kim, B. Bihari, R. Moody and J. Kumar; IUPAC International Symposium Proceeding eds.), 65, 1994.
- "Semi- and full interpenetrating polymer networks as stable second-order nonlinear optical materials", S.K. Tripathy, S. Marturunkakul, R.J. Jeng, L. Li, J.I. Chen and J. Kumar; The Second International Conference on Frontiers of Polymer and Advanced Mterials Front. Polym. Adv. Mater., [Proc. Int. Conf.], 2nd (P.N. Prasad eds.), Meeting Date 1993, 229-237, 1994.
- "Semiconducting Polymers and Their Solid State Properties: Are These Materials Semiconductors or Large Conjugated Molecules?", D.J. Sandman; Polymer Science, 2,44-45, 1994.
- "Sol-Gel Encapsulated Photodynamic Protein Phycoerythrin: A New Biomaterial", Z. Chen, L.A. Samuelson, J. Akkara, D.L. Kaplan, H. Gao, J. Kumar, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Chemistry of Materials, 1994.
- "Stable second-order nonlinear optical materials based on interpenetrating polymer networks", S. Marturunkakul, J.I. Chen, L. Li, X.L. Jiang, R.J. Jeng, S.K. Sengupta, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 35(2), 134-5, 1994.
- "Stable Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Polymer Network Based on an Organosoluble Polyimide", G.H. Hsiue, J.K. Kuo, R.J. Jeng, J.I. Chen, X.L. Jiang, S. Marturunkakul, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Chemistry of Materials, 6(7), 884-887, 1994.
- "Steady-state photoconductivity in a novel solution-cast polydiacetylene film", T. Ravindran, W.H. Kim, A.K. Jain, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Synthetic Metals, 66(3), 203-207, 1994.
- "A structural characterization of diacetylene single crystal during polymerization: A TEM study", W.H. Kim, C. Sung, D.Y. Kim, H. Wang, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; MRS Falling Meeting eds.), 1994.
- "Synthesis and Characterization of Polyphenols From Peroxidase Catalyzed Reactions", F.F. Bruno, J.A. Akkara, L.A. Samuelson, D.L. Kaplan, B.K. Mandal, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; submitted to Journal of Enzymatic and Microbial Technology, 1994.
- "Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Polythiophene Derivative with a Side-Chain NLO Chromophore", K.G. Chittibabu, L. Li, M. Kamath, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Chemistry of Materials, 6(4), 475-480, 1994.
- "Synthesis and properties of comb-like liquid crystalline polymers with electrooptically active mesogenic side groups", M. Maeda, M. Andrieux, S. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, P. Sixou and A. Blumstein; Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 250,223-237, 1994.
- "Theoretical Studies on the Electronic Structure of Polymers of Phenol and Derivatized Phenols", N.N. Beladakere, F.F. Bruno and S.K. Tripathy; submitted to Structural Chemistry, 1994.
- "Trace Analysis of Zn(II), Be and Bi by Enzyme-Catalyzed Chemiluminescence Generation", S.D. Kamtekar, R. Pande, M.S. Ayyagari, K.A. Marx, D.L. Kaplan, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; submitted to Analytical Chemistry, 1994.
- "Tripathy wins Marvel polymer award", S.K. Tripathy; Chem. Eng. News, 72(15), 48, 1994.
- "Unusually low energy electronic transitions in poly(diacetylene) solutions. Solvato- and thermochromic behavior of poly(1,4-bis(3-quinolyl)buta-1,3-diyne)", N.B. Kodali, W. Kim, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy and S.S. Talwar; Macromolecules, 27(22), 6612-6619, 1994.
- "Aerosol deposition and combined dry/wet etching techniques for fabrication of InP-based quantum dot structures -- 1993 IEEE 5th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials -- 93 IEEE 5 Int Conf Indium Phosphide Relat Mater", I. Maximov, A. Gustafsson, H.C. Hansson, L. Samuelson, W. Seifert and Wiedensohler; 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems; Part 1 (of 4), 727-730, 1993.
- "Applications of Raman Spectroscopy to the Study of Polydiacetylenes and Related Materials Structure-Property Relations in Polymers", S.H.W. Hankin and D.J. Sandman; American Chemical Society Advances In Chemistry Series (M.W. Urban and C.D. Craver eds.), 236, 243-262, 1993.
- "Biotinylated poly(3-hexylthiophene-co-3-methanolthiophene): A Langmuir monolayer-forming copolymer", M. Kamath, J.O. Lim, K.G. Chittibabu, R. Sarma, J. Kumar, K.A. Marx, S.K. Tripathy, L.A. Samuelson, J.A. Akkara and D.L. Kaplan; Journal of Macromolecular Science - Pure and Applied Chemistry, A30(8), 493-502, 1993.
- "Biotinylated polythiophene copolymer - A novel electroactive biomaterial utilizing the biotin-streptavidin interaction -- Biomolecular Materials", J.O. Lim, M. Kamath, K.A. Marx, S.K. Tripathy, D. Kaplan and L.A. Samuelson; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 292,141-146, 1993.
- "Book Review of "Spectroscopy of Polymers" by J. L. Koenig, American Chemical Society Books", D.J. Sandman; J. Materials Chem., 3,779, 1993.
- "Cerenkov type phase-matched second harmonic generation in polymeric channel waveguides", Y. Chen, M. Kamath, A. Jain, J. Kumar and S. Tripathy; Optics Communications, 101(3-4), 231-234, 1993.
- "Comparison of single and double stranded DNA binding to polypyrrole -- Biomolecular Materials", R. Pande, J.-O. Lim, K.A. Marx, S.K. Tripathy and D.L. Kaplan; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 292,135-140, 1993.
- "Conversion of the Polydiacetylene of Bis-Ethylurethane of 5, 7-Dodecadiyn-1, 12-diol(ETCD) to a Nonthermochromic Crystalline Form by Solvent Extraction", D.J. Sandman, S.H.W. Hankin and M.J. Downey; Die Makromol. Chem., 194,3433-3439, 1993.
- "The coupling of a thiophene copolymer to a photoactive antennae protein using biotin/streptavidin complexation", L.A. Samuelson, J.O. Lim, M. Kamath, K.A. Marx, S.K. Tripathy and D.L. Kaplan; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(2), 775-6, 1993.
- "Demonstration of an LB monolayer cassette strategy for forming ordered arrays of biological molecules: the biotinylated ЭDPPE-lipid monolayer-streptavidin-biotinylated phycoerythrin film", L.A. Samuelson, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar, S.K. Tripathy, B. Wiley, S. Sengupta, M. Cazeca and D.L. Kaplan; Proc. Int. Conf. Intell. Mater., 1st (T. Takagi eds.), 01760-5020, 1993.
- "Design, synthesis, and characterization of a new class of second order nonlinear optical organic/inorganic composites", R.J. Jeng, J.I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, Y.M. Chen, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(2), 777-8, 1993.
- "Dipolar relaxation in a second-order nonlinear optical interpenetrating polymer network", J.I. Chen, s. Marturunkakul, L. Li, R.J. Jeng, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 26(26), 7379-7381, 1993.
- "Efficient Cerenkov second-harmonic generation in crosslinked poled polymer waveguides", X. Zhu, Y.M. Chen, M. Kamath, R.J. Jeng, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol., Sect. B, 4(3-4), 175-180, 1993.
- "Enzymatic mediated polymerization of phenol and aniline derivatives on a Langmuir trough -- Biomolecular Materials", F.F. Bruno, J.A. Akkara, L.A. Samuelson, D.L. Kaplan, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 292,147-152, 1993.
- "Enzyme catalyzed 2-D polymerization of phenol and aniline derivatives on a Langmuir-Blodgett trough", F.F. Bruno, J.A. Akkara, L.A. Samuelson, B.K. Mandal, D.L. Kaplan, K.A. Marx and S.K. Tripathy; Proc. Int. Conf. Intell. Mater., 1st eds.), 78-83, 1993.
- "Functionalized Polymeric Materials for Electronics and Optics", S. Sengupta, J. Kumar, A. Jain and S.K. Tripathy; Chem. Adv. Mater., 267-293, 1993.
- "Interpenetrating polymer network as a stable second order nonlinear optical material: comparison with the guest/host systems", S. Marturunkakul, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Division of Polymeric Materials - Science and Engineering, 69,436-437, 1993.
- "An interpenetrating polymer network as a stable second-order nonlinear optical material", S. Marturunkakul, J.I. Chen, L. Li, R.J. Jeng, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Chemistry of Materials, 5(5), 592-594, 1993.
- "Intriguing supramolecular assemblies with electronically conjugated components", S. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(2), 765-6, 1993.
- "Investigations on a second order nonlinear optical interpenetrating polymer network", J.I. Chen, S. Marturunkakul, L. Li, R.J. Jeng, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(1), 707-8, 1993.
- "Kinetics of Diacetylene Polymerization II: An FT-Raman Study", C.E. Masse, M. Kamath, N.B. Kodali, W.H. Kim, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 26,5954-5958, 1993.
- "Kinetics of diacetylene polymerization: an FT-Raman study", M. Kamath, W.H. Kim, L. Li, J. Kumar, S. Tripathy, K.N. Babu and S.S. Talwar; Macromolecules, 26(22), 5954-5958, 1993.
- "Langmuir-Blodgett films of polymethacrylates with side chains containing functionalized aromatic Schiff's bases", T. Takahashi, P. Miller, Y.M. Chen, L. Samuelson, D. Galotti, B.K. Mandal, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 31(2), 165-173, 1993.
- "Molecular dynamics simulation of substituted conjugated ionic polyacetylenes", S.B. Clough, X.-F. Sun, S. Subramanyam, N. Beladakere, A. Blumstein and S.K. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 26(4), 597-600, 1993.
- "Nonlinear optical photoresponsive polymer for reversible optical data storage", D.Y. Kim, L. Li, R.J. Jeng, J. Kumar, M.A. Fiddy and S.K. Tripathy; Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Organic and Biological Optoelectronics, 1853,23-28, 1993.
- "Novel polydiacetylene with a chromophoric substituent: poly[2,4-hexadiyndiyl-1,6-bis(p-phenylazobenzenesulfonate)]", C.E. Masse, N.B. Kodali, L. Li, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(1), 723-4, 1993.
- "A novel, soluble polydiacetylene containing an aromatic substituent: Solvatochromic behavior", W.H. Kim, N.B. Kodali, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Division of Polymeric Materials - Science and Engineering, 69,159-160, 1993.
- "Optical bistability in an electron-hole system: the effect of phonons", S. Mohapatro, S.K. Tripathy, G.S. Tripathi and J.N. Mohanty; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 5(41), 7633-7642, 1993.
- "Organically modified silicates that exhibit nonlinear optical properties by the sol-gel technique", C. Claude, B. Garetz, Y. Okamoto and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(1), 709-10, 1993.
- "Origin of blue shifts in quantum-well wires unrelated to lateral confinement", A. Gustafsson, X. Liu, I. Maximov, L. Samuelson and W. Seifert; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Proceedings of the Symposium on Microcrystalline Semiconductors: Materials Science and Devices, 283,795-800, 1993.
- "Phenoxysilicon polymer with stable second-order optical nonlinearity", R.J. Jeng, Y.M. Chen, J.I. Chen, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Macromolecules, 26(10), 2530-2534, 1993.
- "Photovoltaic effects and charge transport studies in phycobiliproteins -- Biomolecular Materials", N.N. Beladakere, T. Ravindran, B. Bihari, S. Sengupta, K.A. Marx, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 292,193-198, 1993.
- "Poled ordered phenoxy-silicon polymer as second order nonlinear optical materials", R.J. Jeng, Y.M. Chen, J.I. Chen, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(1), 292-3, 1993.
- "Relaxation behavior of a nonlinear optical polyimide/inorganic composite", S. Marturunkakul, J.I. Chen, R.J. Jeng, S. Sengupta, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Chemistry of Materials, 5(6), 743-746, 1993.
- "Schottky diodes of poly(3-undecyl thiophene) containing fullerene C60", C.S. Kuo, F.G. Wakim, S.K. Sengupta and S.K. Tripathy; Solid State Communications, 87(2), 115-117, 1993.
- "Schottky diodes using poly(3-hexylthiophene)", C.S. Kuo, F.G. Wakim, S.K. Sengupta and S.K. Tripathy; Journal of Applied Physics, 74(4), 2957-2958, 1993.
- "A stable nonlinear optical material based on a polyimide/inorganic composite and its relaxation study", S. Marturunkakul, J.I. Chen, R.J. Jeng, Y.M. Chen, S. Sengupta, J. Kumar and S.K. Tripathy; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(1), 711-712, 1993.
- "Stable second-order nonlinear optical epoxy-based polymer", Y.M. Chen, R.J. Jeng, L. Li, X. Zhu, J. Kumar and S. Tripathy; Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section B: Nonlinear Optics, 4(1), 71-79, 1993.
- "Synthesis of two-dimensional electrooptic polymer networks through biocatalysis", J.A. Akkara, F. Bruno, L. Samuelson, M. Ayyagari, S. Tripathy, K. Marx, V.T. John and D.L. Kaplan; Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 34(2), 759-760, 1993.