Ph.D. Candidate Murtaza Nasir Co-Authors Paper on 'Simple Interaction Finding Technique'

A woman and two men pose for a photo in front of a TV monitor Image by courtesy

Murtaza Nasir, right, and his committee members Nichalin Summerfield, left, and Asil Oztekin while presenting his Ph.D. proposal last December.


A team from the Manning School of Business’ Operations and Information Systems department was recently recognized by the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) with a runner-up Best Paper Award at the institute’s 52nd annual conference.

Murtaza Nasir, a Ph.D. candidate in Management Science, Assoc. Prof. Asil Oztekin and Asst. Prof. Nichalin Summerfield earned the award for their paper “Simple Interaction Finding Technique (SIFT) – A Simple Methodology to Generate Novel Hypotheses from Complex Datasets." The team also includes Serhat Simsek, an assistant professor at Montclair State University.

Last spring, their study received the Best Application of Theory Award from the regional NorthEast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI). The team then competed against the winners from the five DSI regional chapters at the conference last November.

Decision Sciences Institute is the second largest institute in the world (following INFORMS) in the field of analytics and operations management, which is the team’s field of expertise.

This is the second time the team has earned recognition from the NEDSI and DSI conferences at the regional and international levels. They received the Best Contribution to Theory Paper Award and Best Overall Conference Paper Award at the 2020 NEDSI conference and were named international winner by DSI in 2020.