Climate Change is increasing the frequency of extreme weather events and resulting disasters. The New England Consortium (TNEC-CSEA) in partnership with the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) and Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Health and Safety (MassCOSH) received another 5-year NIESH Hazmat Disaster Preparedness Training Program grant to train organizations and their workers who prepare for and respond to climate related disasters.This partnership has developed and delivered extreme weather event disaster preparedness training for sanitation and transportation department employees and other workers involved in extreme weather related disaster response, recovery, and rebuilding efforts.
This latest grant which addresses disaster preparedness needs primarily in New York and Massachusetts, includes pre-disaster planning and health and safety training for worker populations who may be exposed to hazardous materials during disaster response and post disaster remediation and/or rebuilding efforts.
Research Team: David A. Turcotte (UMass Lowell, PI), Thomas H. Estabrook (UMass Lowell, Co-PI), Jodi Sugarman-Brozan, (Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Health and Safety), Matthew C. Kozak, (Civil Service Employees Association), Janet Womachka, (Civil Service Employee Association).
This project is supported with funding from the NIH-National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) award number: U45ES006172-29