From left: Peyman Poozesh (PhD candidate ’17), Javad Baqersad (Kettering University UML PhD ’15), Tina Dardeno (PhD candidate '18), Jesus Reyes (PhD candidate '16), Dagny Joffre (PhD candidate '19) , Patrick Logan (PhD candidate '18), Aral Saffari (PhD candidate '19), Julie Harvie (Sandia Labs - BSMS '13), Prof. Peter Avitabile, Songmao Chen (PhD candidate '17), Yuanchang Chen (PhD candidate '19), Tim Marinone (ATA Engineering - BSMS '12), Prof. Chris Niezrecki, Ryan Schultz (PhD candidate '19 Sandia Labs), M.EydaniAsl (PhD candidate '17)
By Amy Allen
The papers presented for the Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth International Modal Analysis Conference were:
- Estimation of the Dynamic Focused Ultrasound Radiation Force Generated by an Ultrasonic Transducer Paper ID : I142 presented by S. Chen
- A Comparison of Computer-Vision-Based Structural Dynamics Characterizations Paper ID : I334 presented by A. Sarrafi
- Validation of Time and Frequency Domain Methods for Calibration of Non-Contacting Force Excitation Paper ID : I32 presented by P. Logan
- Comparative Study of Modal Characteristics Produced by Inertial Shakers and Traditional Modal Shakers Paper ID : I35 presented by D. Joffre
- Adjustment of Vibration Response to Account for Fixture-Test Article Dynamic Coupling Effects Paper ID : I30 presented by J.M. Reyes
- Underwater Dynamic Response at Limited Points Expanded to Full-Field Displacement Response Paper ID : I48 presented by Y. Chen
- Similitude Analysis of the Frequency Response Function for Scaled Structures Paper ID : I256 presented by M. Eydani Asl
- Using High Speed Stereo-Photogrammetry and Phased-Based Motion Magnification Techniques to Extract Operating Modal Data Paper ID : I156 presented by P. Poozesh
- Modal Parameter Estimation using Blind Source Separation and Least Square Complex Frequency Domain Paper ID : I155 presented by P. Poozesh