By Julie Chen

Are you ready to make a difference? Your vote matters, and now is the time to make sure your voice is heard. Whether this is your first election or you're a seasoned voter, every single vote shapes our future.

Why Register to Vote?

Shape the future: Local, state and national decisions affect your community, education and opportunities.

Make your voice count: Democracy works best when everyone participates.

It's easy and quick: Registering to vote only takes a few minutes.

Make sure you have a plan!

Register to vote/check voting status in Massachusetts: www.sec.state.ma.us/OVR/

Register to vote/check voting status in your home state allintovote.org/register/

Pledge to vote and compete in the ALL IN campus leaderboard pledge competition: allintovote.org/take-the-pledge/

Deadlines are approaching!

Don't wait until it's too late. Check your state's registration deadline and get registered now.

Need Help? Contact community@uml.edu for any questions or assistance.

Remember, your vote is your voice. Let’s show up, be heard and shape our future together!