By Daniel Riechers
Are you a pre-tenure faculty member interested in applying to the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program? The Office of Research Development (ORD) resents an annual series of workshops about NSF CAREER to support pre-tenure faculty in strengthening their CAREER proposals.
If you are a faculty member who has decided to apply for NSF CAREER this year, please email rd@uml.edu so we can add you to our CAREER support list.
Join us for our last NSF CAREER session this year:
Session 3, Awardee Panel and Workshop
In-person (UCC-158) - 4/5/24 1-4 p.m. ET
Register for Session 3
The last session includes a panel discussion with previous CAREER awardees who will present their projects and answer audience questions. The Office of Sponsored Programs will also review the proposal submission process. Looking for early feedback on your CAREER ideas? ORD is still accepting one-page Project Summary drafts for feedback before the workshop. Email rd@uml.edu with your draft by March 11 if interested.
We are also pleased to announce our NSF CAREER Resource Library, which contains a collection of example CAREER proposals, template outlines for several common CAREER proposal documents, recordings and materials from our office's previous CAREER-focused events, and other CAREER resources. Access with your UML log-in credentials.
For questions on NSF CAREER support, please contact the Office of Research Development or visit our website.