By Julie Chen

I want to follow up on the status of the UMass Lowell Inn and Conference Center.

As you know, the ICC has been under consideration by Gov. Healey’s administration as a temporary solution for the emergency shelter needs of homeless and migrant families. Discussions have been ongoing among UMass Lowell, the governor’s team and the UMass Building Authority.

Final details still need to be determined, but the Commonwealth has proposed to the Building Authority a one-year $4 million commitment, with a potential one-year extension, primarily covering the university’s obligation for principal and interest payments for the property.

The administration will also cover, through its service provider, other related costs, e.g. utilities, maintenance, trash, laundry, etc. The university will incur no costs from the state’s emergency housing plans. This potential agreement has been integrated into the university’s current fiscal year’s budget planning.

On Monday, Lt. Gov. Driscoll hosted a call with representatives from the state delegation and city officials to discuss the state providing resources to aid in the arrival of the families, whom we anticipate will begin to move into the ICC sometime in the month of December.

We were also encouraged by the administration’s support of the community forming a task force to develop a long-term plan for the property post-occupancy that meets the needs of the city and its residents.