By Julie Nash

The Independent University Alumni Association (IUAAL) is steward of a number of funds that support students and community at University of Massachusetts Lowell by the awarding of scholarships and grants.* 

The IUAAL aims to foster cooperation and collaboration between UMass Lowell students, faculty, staff and alumni and engagement in the greater Lowell community. They are currently seeking applications for small seed grants (approximately $1,000 to $3,000)

Guidelines: Following are suggestions that may contribute to the success of your grant application.

  • Applicants must be faculty, staff, alumni or emeriti of UMass Lowell and must be part of teams that include one or more representatives from students, faculty, staff and alumni or emeriti of UMass Lowell. Students may apply in collaboration with a member of UML faculty, staff, alumni or emeriti.
  • Collaborations between students, faculty, alumni and the greater Lowell community are encouraged.
  • Undergraduate projects must have faculty or staff supervision.
  • It is recommended that graduate research projects involve undergraduate students.
  • The IUAAL will fund undergraduate stipends for internships in the Greater Lowell community and recommends that project supervisors seek to collaborate with initiatives and enterprises that are led or owned by UMass Lowell Alumni.
  • Budgets for projects must be attached to the application. In addition to student stipends, budgets may include purchase or rental of certain equipment, rental of specialized spaces necessary to performance or completion of project and cost of publication.
  • Funds will not be granted for purchase of food or beverages for events.
  • Funds may not be used to pay overhead costs at UMass Lowell.
  • Awardees must provide the IUAAL with an outcome and impact report upon completion of project. Awardees may be asked to present outcomes to the IUAAL Board.

Grantees must credit the Independent University Alumni Association as benefactor in all publications and media associated with the products and performances of granted projects.

The deadline for submission is Monday, Dec. 4. Please email your completed application to Peg Shanahan, Executive Director, IUAAL, at Margaret_Shanahan@uml.edu.

*Gifts given or donations made to the Independent University Alumni Association are not gifts to the University of Massachusetts. The Independent University Alumni Association is not part of the University of Massachusetts but supports students and community at the University of Massachusetts Lowell with the awarding of scholarships and grants.