By Brenda Evans

The annual survey conducted by UMass Lowell’s Student Government Association (SGA) in partnership with Sociology Professor Mignon Duffy’s Quantitative Methods class is now available to all undergraduate students. Each year, SGA and the class work together to focus on students’ experiences across campus. This year, the SGA Survey is focusing on seven key themes based on our results from last year’s survey. The specific topics mentioned throughout the survey are important to our students, and we want to learn from you as we continue to work to improve students’ experiences at UMass Lowell. This year’s survey is intended to help dig deeper into some issues that students raised last year – and some new issues identified as important by SGA.

This survey was sent to your student email and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. In the end, you will be redirected to an additional link that is not connected to your responses where you can provide your name and email to be entered into the raffle win $200 amazon shopping sprees, gift cards, River Hawk dollars or other prizes!

We hope that you will take the time to share your experiences with us. Your responses will be anonymous, and you are free to skip any questions you do not want to answer and can withdraw your participation at any time.

If you have any questions, please email sgaacademics@uml.edu.