By Grace Remillard

The Francis College of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering invites you to attend a Master’s thesis defense by Grace Remillard on “Modeling Dynamics of a Tape Spring and Representation in System Modeling Language."

Candidate Name: Grace Remillard
Degree: Master’s
Defense Date: Friday, April 7, 2023
Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Location: Falmouth 203, North Campus

Thesis Title: Modeling Dynamics of a Tape Spring and Representation in System Modeling Language


  • Advisor Kavitha Chandra, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Co-adviser Charles Thompson, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Max Denis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UDC

Brief Abstract:
This thesis uses a systems engineering approach to define and analyze a tape spring system. The tape spring is a modular representation of much larger deployable structures that may be applied in space applications. A physics-based mathematical model is developed for the tape spring that allows one to predict the onset of the spring buckling and its dependence on the applied bending moment and material properties. Experiments are conducted with four different tape springs of the same brand and compared to model predictions. Deployable structures in space are typically cyber-physical systems (CPS) equipped with sensors so that their physical state can be monitored and adaptively controlled. A CPS model of the tape spring is represented using SysML, a systems modeling language utilized in model-based systems engineering.