By Susan Puryear

Five UMass Lowell faculty received NSF CAREER awards in FY22 and two faculty have also received the prestigious award in FY23. Many of these recipients have attended the annual UML NSF CAREER Workshop in the past, and the Office of Research and Innovation is pleased to host the session again on Friday, April 7, 2023 from 1 to 4 p.m. The workshop will be held in a hybrid format, offering in-person attendance at the Saab-ETIC Atrium and virtual via Zoom.

Please register online today.

Recognized by multiple NSF CAREER awardees at UML as a valuable resource, this year’s program includes the following sessions:

  • Panel of UMass Lowell’s most recent CAREER awardees providing insight and lessons learned
    • Reza Ahmadzadeh, Assistant Professor, Miner School of Computer and Information Sciences
    • Marian Jandel, Assistant Professor, Physics
    • Marianna Maiaru, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Review of submission process and procedures, and how the Office of Research Administration can assist
  • Discussion about how to demonstrate broader impacts of your research and leverage existing campus activities
  • Q&A session with Office of Research and Innovation leadership

Please email VCRI_Events@uml.edu for any questions. Thank you!