By Valmor de Almeida

The UML Linux Club (https://github.com/UML-Linux-Club) will meet on Fridays 5 to 6 p.m. during the 2022 fall semester. Both in-person and Zoom meetings will be available. The meetings will cover the use of Jupyter Electronic Notebooks and Python/C++ Programming as applied to engineering, scientific computing, and UMass Lowell coursework.

Please email Professor de Almeida (valmor_dealmeida@uml.edu) to be added to the UML Linux Google Group; the Zoom link will be emailed to the group list. If there is a demand for in-person meetings, a classroom will be reserved at the UMass Lowell North campus. A club certificate of proficiency in Jupyter Electronic Notebooks and Python programming is available to those interested; please inquire at the meeting.