By Lauren Turner

Human Resources' goal is to offer workplace learning and professional development programs that support individual employee development, promote success in the workplace, and encourage even greater participation and engagement. Our learning and development resources include workshops, management and team development programs, certificate programs, and much more on an array of topics aimed at supporting employees and the university’s success.

NOTE: We have expanded our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion offerings to include programs on inclusive communications, bystander awareness/behavior, unconscious bias, developing your cultural competence, ally training, understanding pronouns, building an inclusive community, and fostering a community of respect, engagement and inclusion. Employees can register for these DE&I programs as individual workshops or as part of a certificate series.

Participation in these programs is voluntary. HR encourages employees who are interested in registering for programs to discuss any training plans and dates with their supervisor. Supervisors are also encouraged to promote participation by their staff. We also are happy to facilitate any of our WL&D programs for departmental teams. Please contact LeeAnn Alden, Director of Workplace Learning & Development, by e-mail or at x43458 if you have questions or would like more information.

Please visit the Workplace Learning and Development website for detailed descriptions of all programs.

We look forward to seeing you in these programs!