By Joseph Hartman

Faculty / Librarians at UMass Lowell who intend to apply for Salary Review, must forward their request to their dean no later than the last day in March, along with three unbound copies* of their application. The following information should be included in the application packet:

*COVID-19 update: Electronic submissions to the Dean’s office are highly encouraged. Your respective college at their discretion will advise you on their preferred central repository.

  • Full documentation of your career achievements. (Professional Vita)
  • Written statement of your argument for a salary increase, which should include:
    • Clearly stated basis for your claim and provide appropriate materials in support of your claim.
    • Clearly specify what category you are applying under (See pages 130-133 in the Agreement).
    • Salary history including your current salary.
    • Your current rank and the number of years in that rank.
    • Tenure status (pre-tenured, tenured, non-tenure track)


  1. Faculty / Librarians applying for Salary Review should have their applications to their respective Deans / Directors of Libraries by the last day in March.
  2. The Dean / Director of Libraries submits the applications to the College Personnel Committee / Library Personnel Committee for their recommendations.
  3. The College Personnel Committee / Library Personnel Committee will review the applications for Salary Review and Forward their recommendations and make a positive or negative recommendation.
  4. The Dean / Director of Libraries shall review each salary review application and make a positive or negative recommendation.
  5. College Dean/Director of Libraries recommendation and those of the College Personnel Committee / Library Personnel Committee shall be forwarded to the Office of the Provost (as the Chancellor’s designee by May 3, 2021).

For additional information regarding salary review, please refer to Article XIX of the contract.