Castro Cornejo-Rodrigo-163901

Rodrigo Castro Cornejo, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Political Science
Dugan 201i


Comparative Politics, Political Behavior, Elections and Voting Behavior, Survey Research

Research Interests

Survey Research, Public Opinion and Voting Behavior; Partisanship, Polarization, and Motivated Reasoning; Clientelism, Vote Buying, and Democratic Attitudes.


  • PhD in Political Science (2018), University of Notre Dame
  • MA in Political Science (2013), University of Notre Dame
  • BA in Political Science (2008), CIDE, Mexico City.


Rodrigo Castro Cornejo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and Associate Director of the Center for Public Opinion at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell. He also serves as the co-principal investigator of the Mexican Election Study, which is part of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES). He received his PhD in Political Science from the University of Notre Dame where he was also a Fellow of the Kellogg Institute for International Studies. Prof. Castro Cornejo was previously Assistant Professor of Political Science at CIDE, Mexico City. His academic work as has been published in Public Opinion Quarterly, Perspectives on Politics, Political Behavior, Political Research Quarterly, Electoral Studies, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, Latin American Research Review, Journal of Politics in Latin America, Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, Política y Gobierno, Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública, among other journals.

Selected Publications

  1. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo. Forthcoming. “Who Believes in Fraud in the 2006 Mexican Presidential Election? Election Denialism, Partisan Bias, and Affective Polarization,” Latin American Research Review;
  2. Langston, Joy and Rodrigo Castro Cornejo. 2023. “Why Do Clientelist Brokers Go Rogue? Parties, Politicians, and Intermediaries in Mexico,” Perspectives on Politics. 21(1):43- 58;
  3. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo. 2023. “The AMLO Voter. Affective Polarization and the Rise of the Left in Mexico,” Journal of Politics in Latin America. 5(1):96–112;
  4. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo. 2023. “Same Scandal, Different Interpretations. Politics of Corruption, Anger, and Partisan Bias,” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 33(3):497-518;
  5. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo. 2023. “Do (Perceptions of) Electoral Polling Affect Voters’ Behavior? Campaign Effects, Partisan Bias, and Strategic Voting in Mexico,” Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública. 11(2):73–108;
  6. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo and Ulises Beltrán. 2022. “Who Receives Electoral Gifts? It Depends on Question Wording: Experimental Evidence from Mexico,” Political Behavior. 44(1):227–255;
  7. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo, Ulises Beltrán, Sandra Ley, and René Galicia. 2022. “From Election Day to Presidential Approval: Partisanship and the Honeymoon Period in Mexico,” Electoral Studies. 75(February):102438;
  8. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo. 2021. “How Do Campaigns Matter? Independents, Political Information, and the Enlightening Role of Campaigns in Mexico,” International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 33(4):779-98;
  9. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo. 2021. “Short- and Long-term Partisanship: Campaign Effects and the Stability of Party Identification in Latin America,” Latin American Research Review. 56(2);
  10. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo and Ulises Beltrán. 2020. “List Experiments, Political Sophistication, and Vote Buying. Experimental Evidence from Mexico,” Journal of Politics in Latin America. 12(2):219-234;
  11. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo, Sandra Ley, and Ulises Beltrán. 2020. “Anger, Partisanship, and the Activation of Populist Attitudes in Mexico,” Política y Gobierno. 27(2):1-37.
  12. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo. 2019. “Partisanship and Question-Wording Effects: Experimental Evidence from Latin America,” Public Opinion Quarterly. 83(1):26–45;
  13. Botero, Sandra, Rodrigo Castro Cornejo, Laura Gamboa, Nara Pavão and David Nickerson. 2019. “Under Friendly Fire: An Experiment on Partisan Press and Voting Behavior,” Electoral Studies. 60(August):102044;
  14. Castro Cornejo, Rodrigo. 2019. “Do Campaigns Matter (in New Democracies)? Campaign Interest, Vote Choice, and Survey Satisficing,” Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública. 8(1):83-126;
  15. Botero, Sandra, Rodrigo Castro Cornejo, Laura Gamboa, Nara Pavão and David Nickerson. 2019. “Are All Types of Wrongdoing Created Equal in the Eyes of Voters?” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 31(2):141-158;
  16. Beltrán, Ulises and Rodrigo Castro Cornejo. 2019. “Clientelistic Activation of Mexican Voters: Between Vote Buying and Political Communication,” Política y Gobierno. 26(2):171- 206;
  17. Audette, Andre, Mark Brockway, and Rodrigo Castro Cornejo. 2019. “Religious Engagement, Civic Skills, and Political Participation in Latin America,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 59(1):101-118;
  18. Botero, Sandra, Rodrigo Castro Cornejo, Laura Gamboa, Nara Pavão and David Nickerson. 2015. “Says Who? An Experiment on Allegations of Corruption and Credibility of Sources,” Political Research Quarterly. 68(3):493-504;
  19. Javeline, Debra, Jessica J. Hellmann, Jason S. McLachlan, Dov F. Sax, and Mark W. Schwartz and Rodrigo Castro Cornejo. 2015. “Expert Opinion on Extinction Risk and Climate Change Adaptation,” Elementa. Science of the Anthroposcene. 3(57);
  20. Javeline, Debra, Jessica Hellmann, Rodrigo Castro Cornejo, and Gregory Schufeldt. 2014. “Expert Opinion on Climate Change and Threats to Biodiversity,” BioScience. 63(8):666-673.

Selected Intellectual Property

2018 Mexican Election Study (CIDE-CSES), Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (with Ulises Beltrán and Sandra Ley); 2018-19 Mexican Panel Election Study (with Ulises Beltrán and Sandra Ley); 2021 Mexican Election Study (CIDE-CSES), Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (with UlisesBeltrán and Sandra Ley).