Welcome to ATP
This web site is being developed and maintained in an attempt to provide the means for those disadvantaged persons with special needs and problems to find those that have the skills and knowledge to resolve their problems. This site makes it possible for both those in need and those with the know-how to list themselves and to eventually get together for mutual benefit and rewards.
The Assistive Technology Program began in 1991. Its roots are in the senior project courses in our curriculum and the need to provide our seniors with sources of motivation beyond the normal. As we introduced our students to the problems of disadvantaged persons, it became very obvious that we had found our source of motivation for our students. Today, the main purpose of the Assistive technology program is to provide our engineering students with interesting and challenging problems which may be resolved by applying those technologies that have been presented in our curriculum.
However, as our experience and knowledge grew, the demands on the program have grown beyond that which can be assigned to our senior project students. The Assistive technology Program is now receiving more requests for assistance than can be responded to by the faculty and students participating in the program. If you can devote some of your time in helping those in need, please express your interest by clicking: Volunteers.

John C. Newton's Project for Helping Hands Monkey Helpers in Boston, Mass., a non-profit group dedicated to help those in need through the use of technology.