Clot Catch , DifferenceMakers

Clot Catch will eliminate the risks of current filters such as shifting, vessel puncture and strut fracture.
Clot Catch won Honorable Mention, a $2,000 prize, at the 2017 5th Annual DifferenceMaker $50K Idea Challenge. Team members include Alexander Anthony (Senior, Plastics Engineering), Terry Fox-Koor (Junior, Plastics Engineering), and Elena Mottola (Junior, Nursing).
Clot Catch is developing a new design to replace the current inferior vena cava (IVC) clot filters that are currently on the market. Clot filters are designed to address pulmonary embolisms, however current clot filters fracture and can often injure the patients by perforating lungs or hearts, which can cause many injuries and even deaths to hundreds of patients. Clot Catch’s revolutionary design is a woven nitinol stent to replace the current clot filters. This means that patients can be safe from both pulmonary embolisms as well as injury from their own stents.