Setting Your Email Notification Preferences

Screenshot of Curriculog user interface showing “Accounts” section and “My Settings” tab open. The dropdown account menu to navigate to this location is highlighted.
You can adjust how often you receive email notifications from Curriculog.
Click on your user name to view the drop-down menu. Hover over the menu and click “My Settings.”
NOTE: If you select digest format, set the frequency such that you will receive (and respond to) notifications often enough. Please be sure that you are not missing reminder messages when your decision is overdue, which will hold up proposals!
Closeup screenshot of Curriculog userinterface showing “My Settings” tab with linked username highlighted.
Then click on your name.
Detailed screenshot of Curriculog user interface showing “Email Options” section and related selection menu. The “Save Preferences” button is highlighted.
On the right side, scroll down to "Email Options" area.
Then, use the drop-down arrow to display options. At this point, select how often you want to receive email notifications from Curriculog. Click the “Save Preferences” to update this setting in Curriculog.
Screenshot of the top-level navigation menu with Curriculog logo highlighted.
To go back to your dashboard, the Curriculog logo in the top, upper left toolbar.
Additional Curriculog Tutorials are located on the Curriculog Help webpage.
For assistance, email