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UTCH.2010 Knowing and Learning in Math and Science (Formerly UTL.201)

Id: 037642 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The course starts by imparting the understanding that there is a science to learning and by having students examine ideas of what it means for an individual to know or understand something. This course focuses on several essential questions which enable students to explore how knowing and learning are structured with specific emphasis on mathematics and science. Students will come to understand what it means to know something, how we can understand student thinking and how theories of learning inform instructional decisions; in particular students will explore the idea that learning is a social activity. Students are prompted to reflect on their own ways of looking at various ideas and concepts and to consider alternative perspectives. Students will conduct an analysis of reasoning processes through a clinical interview process, one-on-one with learners engaging in problem solving. This course is required for the STEM TEACHING MINOR.

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