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CHEN.4100 Chemical Plant Design (Formerly 10.410)

Id: 002880 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course is the logical continuation of CHEN.4090 (Formerly 10.409) The principles of technical and economic evaluation are applied to a chemical engineering problem. A group of students is given a statement of the problem. They are required to find information on raw materials, products, thermodynamic parameters and plant practices in order to develop the assumptions required to carry out an examination of technical and economic feasibility. Each group generates a final report for the problem. In addition to oral presentations, students are required to complete a comprehensive group design project. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Applied & Integrative Learning (AIL), Critical Thinking & Problem Solving (CTPS) and Information Literacy (IL).


CHEN.2010, & CHEN.2020, & CHEN.3030, & CHEN.3040,& CHEN.3060, &CHEN.3100, and CHEN.3110, & CHEN.3150, & CHEN.3170, & CHEN.4030, & CHEN.4090, & CHEN.4130 all with a C- or better, or Spring 2020 grade of "P", & Co-req: CHEN.4150.

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