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BMSC.4830 Applied Biomedical Research I (Formerly 36.483 and MLSC.4830)

Id: 004825 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Applied Biomedical Research I is a research-based course in which students participate in an independent research project under the guidance of research-active faculty. Students identify a faculty mentor whose research area is of their interest and engage in a semester-long research experience. Students meet with their mentor(s) to design a clear and explicit research proposal and develop a timeline for performing the work. Student progress will be established by regular meeting with the research mentor, where assessment of completion of objectives shall be assessed and recorded. Appropriate and relevant reading assignments will complement bench work and other research assignments. Upon completion of the work, the student shall engage in creating a manuscript and/or presentation.


HSCI.3400 IPE Research Methods, or Permission of Instructor.

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