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PSYC.2690 Research Methods (Formerly 47.269)

Id: 005710 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


An introductory course on the fundamentals of empirical research in psychological science. Instruction will promote understanding and competence in the basic vocabulary of psychological research, addressing information literacy, measurement, reliability, and validity in observed variables and unobserved constructs. Students will learn critical components of experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlational designs, as well as the basics of descriptive statistics, hypothesis and statistical testing, and matching design to analysis strategies. Students will demonstrate this knowledge through he preparation of a research proposal. Finally, this course will provide students a strong basis from which to pursue advanced coursework in a variety of methodological approaches to psychological research. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Information Literacy (IL).


PSYC.1010 Intro to Psychological Science, and Sophomore Status (at least 30 credits).

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