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PHYS.1410 Physics I (Formerly 95.141)

Id: 008529 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


First semester of a two-semester sequence for science and engineering majors. Mehcanics including vectors, kinematics in one and two dimensions, Newton's laws of dynamics, work and energy, energy conservation, linear momentum conservation, rotational kinematics and dynamics, Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation, oscillatory motion and mechanical waves.


Co-Req PHYS.1410L & Pre/Co-Req:MATH.1310. Anti-Req:Can only receive credit for one of the following fr-lvl phys I lec/lab courses:PHYS.1010/1010L;PHYS.1030/1030L,PHYS.1410/1410L;or PHYS.1610/1610L. Academic petition is required for anti-req exceptions.

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