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UMass Lowell Alert: parking ban starts 11:30 p.m. Saturday February 8 due to inclement weather. Visit the storm information page for more.

PHIL.3080 Philosophy of Race and Gender (Formerly 45.308)

Id: 031900 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course will focus on issues of identity and difference. We will discuss the ways in which group identities are formed and break down. We will discuss how differences are constituted and reconstituted. These issues are central to theories of race and gender, racism and sexism. Some of the questions which we will raise are these: What motivates forming group identities? How are they formed? How is identity used within oppressive social structures? How can it be used to transform society? Why do some differences make a difference and others don't? Can we choose our group identities? Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Diversity and Cultural Awareness (DCA).


Pre-Req: ENGL.1020 College Writing II.

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