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MSIT.5310 Project Management (Formerly 94.531)

Id: 037828 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course explores the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques that project managers use when managing information technology projects as well as the current IT factors that affect IT project management decision making. Special emphasis will be placed on learning the best practices currently used by organizations and practitioners to ensure the best chance for project success by learning and applying the concepts of managing scope, risk, budget, time, expectations, quality, people, communications, procurement, and externally provided services. Students will be expected to perform research in the above areas as well as using tools such as Microsoft Project to solve project management related problems. Special attention will also be placed on the issues affecting project managers today such as PMOs, virtualization, green IT, and out sourcing. Practical examples will be used to demonstrate the concepts and techniques, plus you will receive hands on experience by working on a case study.


Students must already have completed a bachelor's degree in a related discipline to enroll in this course and in a graduate career.

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