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EECE.4500 Advanced Digital System Hardware Design (Formerly 16.450)

Id: 030319 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Design of logic machines. Finite state machines, gate array designs, ALU and 4 bit CPU unit designs, micro-programmed systems. Hardware design of advanced digital circuits using XILINX. Application of probability and statistics for hardware performance, and upgrading hardware systems. Laboratories incorporate specification, top-down design, modeling, implementation and testing of actual advanced digital design systems hardware. Laboratories also include simulation of circuits using VHDL before actual hardware implementation and PLDs programming.


EECE.2650 Logic Design, and EECE.3650 Electronics I, and EECE.3110 Electronics I Lab, and EECE.3170 Microprocessor Systems Design I, or permission of Instructor.

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