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CHEN.5370 Nanomaterials Characterization I (Formerly 10.537)

Id: 039086 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This lecture course will provide an in-depth introduction to the principles, instrumentation and applications of most common nanomaterial characterization techniques. Nanomaterial imaging, physical, chemical, and optical property analyses are the main focus of this class. Topics covered will include: electron microscopy (SEM/TEM), scanned prove microscopy (AFM), elemental analysis (EDX/XPS), crystal structure analysis (XRD/SAED), thermal analysis (DSC/TGA), laser based characterization (LSCM/DLS/Raman), chromatographic methods (GC), infrared spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectroscopy and contact angle goniometry. The analytical and quantitative applications of these techniques for investigating different types of nanomaterials will also be described. Lab demonstrations will be included in lectures.

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