Alkim Akyurtlu Professor, Associate Chair for Graduate Affairs, Co-Director Center for Photonics, Electronmagnetics and Nanoelectronics (CPEN) Doctoral Coordinator, Deputy Director for Printed Electronics Research Collaborative (PERC)

Alkim Akyurtlu

Professor, Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Director (UML) - RURI, Director - PERC

Francis College of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Emerging Technologies and Innovation Center, Room 409


Additive Manufacturing, Printed Electronics, Additive Packaging, Metamaterials, Functional Printable Inks, Electromagnetics and RF Devices

Research Interests

Alkim Akyurtlu's research interests include Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Printed Electronics (PE) for RF and Microwave applications including antennas and novel electromagnetic filters, wearables, development and characterization of printable functional inks, and applications of metamaterials.


  • Ph D: Electrical Engineering, (2001), Pennsylvania State University - University Park, PA
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Modeling of Bi-anisotropic Media using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
  • MS: Electrical Engineering, (1996), Pennsylvania State University - University Park, PA
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Analysis and Modeling of Sodium in the Upper Atmosphere
  • BS: Electrical Engineering, (1994), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Blacksburg, VA
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Fabry-Perot Interferometers for Pressure Detection


Alkim Akyurtlu received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, in 1994, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), University Park, PA, in 1996 and 2001, respectively. 

In 2002, she joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML), Lowell, MA, where she is a Full Professor. She is also the director of the Printed Electronics Research Collaborative (PERC) and director from UML of the Raytheon – UMass Lowell Research Institute (RURI). Her research interests are in design and application of metamaterials; computational electromagnetics; and printed electronics for RF and Microwave applications including antennas and novel electromagnetic filters. Her funding resources include the Air Force, NSF, DARPA, ONR, Raytheon, and NASA. Prior to coming to UML, Dr. Akyurtlu worked at MIT Lincoln Laboratory with the Systems and Analysis Group as a Technical Specialist conducting research on electromagnetic modeling and statistical analysis of radar systems. She was a Summer Faculty Fellow at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, in the summer of 2004 and at the NASA Langley Research Center in the summer of 2003, where she received the Best Faculty Fellow Paper Award.

She was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award in the Electrical Engineering Department for the 2002-2003, 2010-2011, and the 2022-2023 academic years at UML. She was a co-recipient of the FLEXI R&D Award (2016) and the IDTECHX R&D Award (2015). Her students have been the recipients of IPC Education Foundation Award (IPC APEX Expo, 2024), finalist for IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Conference Student Paper contest (2023), Best Poster Presentation Award (32nd Annual Electronics Packaging Symposium, 2022), and Best Paper Award at AMTA conference (2015). Akyurtlu was an Academic Computing Fellow at Penn State. Prof. Akyurtlu is a member of Tau Beta Pi, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Societies, and has been an Editor for the IEEE Antennas and Transactions Magazine. She is a Senior Member of IEEE.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Excellence in teaching Award (2023), Teaching - Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UML
  • Summer Faculty Fellow - Air Force Research Laboratory, Antennas Research Branch, Hanscom AFB
  • Excellence in teaching Award (2011), Teaching - Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UML
  • Senior Member (2007) - IEEE
  • Best Paper Award, NASA Faculty Fellowship Paper Competition (2003), Scholarship/Research - NASA
  • Excellence in Teaching Award (2003), Teaching - Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UML
  • Faculty Fellow (2003) - Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
  • Anthony Ferraro Best Doctoral Research Award Recipient (2001), Scholarship/Research - Pennsylvania State University
  • Best Student Paper Contest Winner (2000), Scholarship/Research - ACES Conference
  • Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Student Travel Grant Recipient (2000) - Penn State
  • Engineering Education Scholars Program Participant (1997) - Penn State

Selected Publications

  • G. Strack, Y. J-H Kim, S. Giardini, R. M. Osgood III, and A. Akyurtlu, "Application of Magnetic Field to Ferromagnetic Diodes," MRS Advances, 2023; DOI:10.1557/s43580-023-00520-6
  • Yuri Piro, Christopher Aries, Andrew Luce, Priyanka Biswas, Oshadha Ranasingha, James Reuther, Susan Trulli, Alkim Akyurtlu "Low Loss Dielectric Ink for Printed RF and Microwave Devices", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15,2, 35449-35458
  • Yuri Piro, Andrew Luce, Oshadha Ranasingha, Craig Armiento and Alkim Akyurtlu, “Stabilizing Selective Laser-Sintered Silver–Barium Strontium Titanate (Ag-BST) Resistors Using a UV-Curable Ink”, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2023, 52 (1), 1169-1176
  • G. Strack, Y. AitElAoud, R. M. Osgood III, and A. Akyurtlu, "Magnetic Nanoarrays on Flexible Substrate," MRS Advances; 2022, 7, 410–414. 2022
  • Oshadha Ranasingha, Mahdi Haghzadeh, Edward Kingsley, Craig Armiento and Alkim Akyurtlu, “Formulation and characterization of sinterless barium strontium titanate (BST) dielectric nano inks for RF and microwave applications”, Journal of Electronic Materials, 50 (6), 3241-3248, 2021
  • Ehsan Hajisaeid, Shruti Deshmukh, Stephen J Burbine, Erin E Keaney, Claire Lepont, Mary Herndon, Carol Barry, Joey Mead, and Alkim Akyurtlu, “Printed Planar Tunable Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on a Tunable Polymer-BST Substrate”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 63, 626-637, 2021
  • Oshadha Ranasingha, Mahdi Haghzadeh, Andrew Luce, Guinevere Strack, Cameron Hardie, Edward Kingsley, Craig Armiento and Alkim Akyurtlu, “Selective laser sintering of patterned conductive patterns on silver-barium strontium titanate composite material; a material transitioning from insulator to conductor”, Flexible and Printed Electronics, 5 (4), 045007, 2020
  • Andrew Luce, Guinevere Strack, Oshadha Ranasingha, Edward Kingsley, Craig Armiento and Alkim Akyurtlu, “Photonic Curing of Copper Ink Films on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate”, MRS Advances, 2020, 5, 2191–2199
  • Ehsan Hajisaeid, Arcan F. Dericioglu, and Alkim Akyurtlu, “All 3-D Printed Free-Space Setup for Microwave Dielectric Characterization of Materials,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 67, 8, pp. 1877 – 1886, 2018.
  • Topal, C, Jaradat H., Karumuri S., O’Hara, J., Akyurtlu, A., and Kalkan K., “Plasmon Resonance in Nanohemisphere Monolayers,” J. Phys. Chem. C,121 (42), pp. 23599–23608, 2017.
  • Haghzadeh, M., Armiento, C., Akyurtlu, A. (2017). All-Printed Flexible Microwave Varactors and Phase Shifters Based on a Tunable BST/Polymer. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,PP(99) 1-13.
  • Haghzadeh, M., Akyurtlu, A. (2016). All-printed, flexible, reconfigurable frequency selective surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics,120(18).
  • Mannion, T., Duwel, A., Akyurtlu, A., Smith, B., Grandfield, J. (2016). Beam steering a quadrifilar helix antenna at S-band using a monopole (pp. 659 - 660). 2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016 - Proceedings
  • Jaradat, H.M., Ait-El-Aoud, Y., Akyurtlu, A. (2016). Design and characterization of metamaterial-based dual band absorber for infrared applications. Journal of Optics (India), 1 - 6.
  • Haghzadeh, M., Jaradat, H., Armiento, C., Akyurtlu, A. (2016). Design and simulation of fully printable conformal antennas with BST/polymer composite based phase shifters. Progress In Electromagnetics Research,62 167 - 178.
  • Ait-El-Aoud, Y., Kussow, A., Akyurtlu, A. (2016). Signature of induced transparency in metals and conductors under bichromatic irradiation. Journal of Nanophotonics,10(4).
  • Hajisaeid, E., Haghzadeh, M., Shone, M., Mooney, P., Panwar, A., Barry, C.M., Mead, J.L., Armiento, C., Akyurtlu, A. (2016). Printed tunable frequency selective surface on a developed flexible functionalized ceramic-polymer based substrate (pp. 1–5). IEEE Phased Array Conference
  • Haghzadeh, M., Armiento, C., Akyurtlu, A. (2016). Microwave dielectric characterization of flexible plastic films using printed electronics. IEEE/MTT-S 87th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference
  • Haghzadeh, M., Armiento, C., Akyurtlu, A. (2016). Fully printed varactors and phase shifters based on a BST/polymer ink for tunable microwave applications (2016-August:). IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
  • Haghzadeh, M., Armiento, C., Akyurtlu, A. (2015). Electrostatic and full wave simulations of interdigitated BST varactors with buried plates (pp. 1-2).
  • Mahoney, D.A., Akyurtlu, A. (2015). Metamaterials and metasurfaces for UHF antennas (pp. 137-137).
  • Ait-El-Aoud, Y., Kussow, A., Akyurtlu, A. (2015). Suppression of optical losses in noble metals within the visible frequency range (pp. 231-231).
  • Ait-El-Aoud, Y., Kussow, A.-., Akyurtlu, A. (2015). The optical loss suppression in thin gold film within mid-IR range (pp. 1-2).

Selected Presentations

  • Printed Electronics Research for RF/Microwave Applications - Karles Invitational Conference on Additive Manufacturing, August 2016
  • A Fully Printed, Optically Transparent, and Electrostatically Tunable Frequency Selective Surface with BST-Polymer Based Varactors - 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, June 2016 - San Juan, PR
  • Tunable, Printed RF Electronics - iMAPS Workshop on Additive Manufacturing and Printed Electronics, June 2016 - Lowell MA
  • Fully Printed Varactors and Phase Shifters Based on a BST/Polymer Ink for Tunable Microwave Applications - IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, May 2016 - San Francisco, CA
  • Ferroelectric BST ink for Printed Tunable RF and MW Devices - 15th Flexible and Printed Electronics Conference & Exhibition, February 2016 - Monterey, CA
  • Printed interdigitated ferroelectric varactors for reconfigurable antennas - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), July 2015 - Prague, Czech Republic
  • Fully Printed Varactors and Phase Shifters Based on a BST/Polymer Ink for Tunable Microwave Applications - IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, May 2015 - San Francisco, CA
  • Electrostatic and full wave simulations of buried-plates interdigitated BST varactors - 31st Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Conference, March 2015 - Williamsburg, VA
  • Design and Analysis of 16 GHz Cylindrical Conformal 1x2 Microstrip Patch Antenna Array - 2013 Phased Array Radar Conference, September 2013 - Waltham, MA
  • Infrared (IR) Metamaterial Absorbers - Industry Day, 2012 - North Eastern University
  • - The Next Step for mankind Nanotechnology's Journey to Commercialization, 2011 - UMass Lowell
  • A Quantum Optics-Based Homogeneous Negative Index Materials - AFOSR Program Review, May 2011 - Washington DC
  • Electromagnetically Induced Negative Index Materials - AFOSR Program Review, May 2010 - Virginia Beach, VA
  • Natural negative refraction index in Fe and Ni at optical frequencies - Special Session on “Nanomaterials and nanostructures for RF, MMW, and THz Applications,” 2009 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, June 2009 - Charleston, SC
  • Design and Testing of Negative Index Metamaterials (NIM) in the Visible Regime - AFOSR Program Review, October 2008 - Kent, Ohio
  • Novel Fabrication Methods for Isotropic Optical Negative Index Metamaterials - Special Session on “Nanoelectromagnetics,” 2008 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 2008 - San Diego, CA
  • Flexible Negative Index Metamaterials - Nypro Conference, November 2007 - UMass Lowell
  • Metamaterials in the Visible Range - AFOSR Scientific Advisory Board Review Poster Session, August 2007 - Arlington, VA
  • Negative Refraction Index Nanoscale-Metamaterials at visible frequencies - NSF CHN NSF Site Visit, June 2007 - University of New Hampshire
  • Design and Testing of Negative Index Metamaterials (NIM) in the Visible Regime - AFOSR Program Review, May 2007 - Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
  • Nanoelectronics Overview at UML - Industry Day, April 2007 - UMass Lowell
  • Fabrication of Nanoscale-Metamaterials with Negative Refraction Index at Visible Frequencies - Nanosummit, April 2007 - UMass Lowell
  • Electromagnetic Metamaterials, February 2007 - Chelmsford, MA
  • Nanoscale Electromagnetic Metamaterials - Industry Day, January 2007 - Northeastern University
  • Electromagnetic Metamaterials - IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Boston Section Meeting, December 2006 - Waltham, MA
  • Creating Novel Nanoscale Chiral Metamaterials for IP & Commercial Applications - Commercialization Pipe-Line Project Review for the Chancellor’s Office, 2006 - UMass Lowell
  • Design/Fabrication/Validation and Applications of Optical and THz Metamaterials - DARPA visit by Director Tony Tether, November 2006 - UMass Lowell
  • Development of Chiral and Achiral Double Negative Metamaterials in the THz Regime - 2006 SPIE Symposium on Optics East: Terahertz Physics, Devices and Systems Conference, October 2006 - Boston, MA
  • Metamaterials for the Visible Regime - 2006 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 2006 - Albuquerque, NM
  • Design and Testing of Negative Index Metamaterials (NIM) in the Visible Regime - AFOSR Program Review, May 2006 - Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • Proof of Negative Index of Refraction of Chiral Metamaterials by Using a Wedge- and Triangle- Shaped Model - 9th Annual Student Research Symposium, April 2006 - UMass Lowell
  • Computational and Experimental Analysis of THz Double Negative Metamaterials - Special Session on “Smart EM Materials and Applications,” 2005 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 2005 - Washington, DC
  • FDTD Computational Analysis of THz Double Negative Metamaterials - 8th Annual Student Research Symposium, April 2005 - UMass Lowell
  • Experimental Investigations of Chiral Metamaterials - Air Force Research Laboratory Summer Faculty Fellow Final Presentation, July 2004 - Hanscom Air Force Base, Lexington, Massachusetts
  • Computational Study of Effective Medium Theories for Nano-inclusions - 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Special Session on “Microscale and Nanoscale Electromagnetics”, June 2004 - Monterey, CA
  • Investigation of the Effect of Metamaterials on the Performance of Patch Antennas - 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Special Session on “Smart Electromagnetic Materials and Applications” , June 2004 - Monterey, CA
  • Analysis of Double Negative Media with Magneto-Electric Coupling Using a Novel Dispersive FDTD Formulation - 2004 ACES, Special Session on “Complex Media and Metamaterials”, April 2004 - Syracuse, NY
  • Analysis of Effective Medium Theories for Electromagnetic Metamaterials using FDTD - 7th Annual Student Research Symposium, April 2004 - UMass Lowell
  • Computational Analysis of Left-handed Metamaterials - NASA Langley Summer Faculty Fellow Final Presentation Program, August 2003 - Hampton, VA
  • Analysis of Double Negative Media with Magneto-Electric Coupling Using a Novel Dispersive FDTD Formulation - 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, June 2003 - Columbus, OH
  • A Novel Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Technique to Model Bi-anisotropic Media and its Subclasses - SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE03), February 2003 - San Diego, CA
  • Use of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Technique to Model Transverse Propagation Through a Uniaxial Bi-anisotropic Medium - 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, June 2002 - San Antonio, TX
  • Probability of Detection Analysis of Fire Control Radar Systems, March 2002 - MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts
  • Jamming Requirements for Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems, September 2001 - MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts
  • Theoretical Study of Left-handed Materials, July 2001 - MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Homogenuous Negative Refractive Index Materials with Parametric Loss Suppression (2012), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • Homogenous Negative Refractive Index Materials with Parametric Loss Suppression (2012), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Homogeneous Negative Refractive Index Materials with Parametric Loss Suppression (2012), -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Investigation of Tunable Materials for Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) Applicat (2013), -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • dFlexible, Printed Phased-Array Antennas (2012), -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • dFlexible, Printed Phased-Array Antennas (2012), -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Investigation of Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSSs) (2012), -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Flexible Printed Phased-Array Antennas (2012), - Raytheon
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • Optical Negative Index Materials Using 3d Metals (2010), Grant -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Flexible, Printed Phased-Array Antennas (2012), Grant - Raytheon
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Investigation of Frequency Selective Surfaces (2012), Grant - Raytheon
  • Investigation of Frequency Selective Surfaces (2012), Grant - Raytheon
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Three Dimensional Isotropic Metamaterials Lens for Sub-Diffraction-Limited High-R (2010), Contract - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Nanomanufacturing of Multifunctional Sensors (2010), Contract -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Co-Principal)
  • Funding For Various Initiatives (2009), -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Optical Negative Index Materials Using 3d Metals (2012), Grant - National Science Foundation
  • Nanostructured Sensing Elements for Structural Health Surveillance (2010), Grant - Army Research Laboratory
    Akyurtlu, A. (Co-Principal), Mead, J. (Principal), Chen, J. (Principal), Barry, C. (Principal)
  • Nanostructured Sensing Elements for Structural Health Surveillance (2010), Grant - Army Research Laboratory
    Akyurtlu, A. (Co-Principal)
  • Three Dimensional Isotropic Metamaterials Lens for Sub-Diffraction-Limited High-Resolution Photolithography (2010), Grant - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Small Business for Innovative Research with Triton Systems - PHASE 2
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • Three Dimensional Isotropic Metamaterials Lens for Sub-Diffraction-Limited High-Resolution Photolithography (2010), Grant - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Small Business for Innovative Research with Triton Systems-PHASE 2
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Optical Negative Index Materials Using 3d Metals (2010), Grant - National Science Foundation
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Novel Homogenous, Low-loss, and Tunable Magnetic Semiconductor-based Metamaterials (2007), Grant - National Science Foundation
  • A Tunable Laser Source for the Validation of Homogeneous Negative Refractive Inde (2010), Grant -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • A Tuneable Laser Source for the Validation of Homogenous Negative Refractive Index Materials in the Optical Regime (2010), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research/Defense University Research Instrumentation Program
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • A Quantum Approach to Optical Negative Index Metamaterials: Homogenous NIMs in the Solid State (2008), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
  • A Quantum Approach to Optical Negative Index Metamaterials: Homogenous NIMs in the Solid State (2008), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • A Quantum Electronics Approach to Optical Negative Index Metamaterials (NIMs): Ho (2008), Grant -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • US-Turkey Collaborative Effort in Advancing Assistive Technology Based Education via State of the Art Research (2010), Grant - National Science Foundation
  • US-Turkey Collaborative Effort in Advancing Assistive Technology Based Education via State of the Art Research (2010), Grant - National Science Foundation
    Akyurtlu, A. (Co-Principal)
  • A Tuneable Laser Source for the Validation of Homogenous Negative Refractive Index Materials in the Optical Regime (2010), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research / Defense University Research Instrumentation Program
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Novel Homogenous, Low-loss, and Tunable Magnetic Semiconductor-based Materials (2007), Grant - National Science Foundation
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Funding for Various Initiatives (2009), Grant - Raytheon
  • Funding for Various Initiatives (2009), Grant - Raytheon
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Phase I N09-T018, Electromagnetic Metamaterial Films (2009), Contract - OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Spray-Coatable Metamaterials for Use as Narrow Bandpass Filters (2009), Contract - MISSILE DEFENSE AGENCY
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Spray-coatable metamaterials for use as narrow bandpass filters (2009), Grant - MDA
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Spray-coatable metamaterials for use as narrow bandpass filters (2009), Grant - MDA
  • NSEC: New England Nanomanufacturing Center for Enabling Tools (2004), Grant - National Science Foundation
    Akyurtlu, A. (Other)
  • Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Drug Characterization (2007), Grant - Office of Naval Research/SBIR with Triton Systems
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • Novel Optical Metamaterials and Approaches for Fabrication (2007), Grant -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Investigation and Applications of Metamaterials in the Visible Regime (2005), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • 3-Dimensional Isotropic Metamaterials Lens (2007), Grant - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Small Business for Innovative Research with Triton Systems
  • Novel Optical Metamaterials and Approaches for Fabrication (2007), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Novel Optical Metamaterials and Approaches for Fabrication (2007), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
  • Investigation of Chiral Metamaterials for Drug Characterization (2004), Grant -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Co-Principal)
  • Investigation of Chiral Metamaterials for Drug Characterization (2004), Grant - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • 3-Dimensional Isotropic Metamaterials Lens (2007), Grant - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Small Business for Innovative Research with Triton Systems
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Electromagnetic Metamaterial Films (2007), Grant - Office of Naval Research / SBIR with Triton Systems
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Three-dimensional isotropic metamaterial lens (2008), Grant -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Investigation and Applications of Metamaterials in the Visible Regime (2005), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Experimental Investigations of Electromagnetic Metamaterials (2004), Grant - National Aerospace Administration
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Advanced Antenna Applications (2005), Grant - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Advanced Antenna Applications (2005), Grant - Air Force Research Laboratory
  • Experimental Investigations of Electromagnetic Metamaterials (2004), Grant - National Aerospace Administration
  • Fabrication of a metamaterial 350 GHz Slot Filter (2004), Grant - CFCI/Center/Institute Innovation Award, UML
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • Fabrication of a metamaterial 350 GHz Slot Filter (2004), Grant - CFCI/Centre/Institute Innovation Award
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Introduction to Nano-Engineering: A Web-based Approach to Expand Nanotechnology Horizons (2004), Grant -
    Akyurtlu, A. (Co-Principal)
  • Effective Medium Theories for Micro- and Nano-Scale Metamaterials (2004), Grant - Joseph P. Healy Endowment Grant
  • Effective Medium Theories for Micro- and Nano-Scale Metamaterials (2004), Grant - Joseph P. Healy Endowment Grant
    Akyurtlu, A. (Principal)
  • Summer Faculty Fellow (2004), Fellowship - Air Force Research Laboratory, Antennas Research Branch, Hanscom AFB
  • Summer Faculty Fellow (2003), Fellowship - Electromagnetics Research Branch, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Summer Faculty Fellow (2003), Fellowship - Electromagnetics Research Branch, NASA Langley Research Centre
    Akyurtlu, A.
  • Penn State Academic Fellow (1999), Fellowship - Electrical Engineering Department, Penn State