A premier goal of the Center for Women & Work is to seek remedies for gender-based inequality in the workforce through disseminating information and promoting institutional change, including within our own institution, which is why STEM is one of the core projects for the Center for Women & Work.
Why is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) significant for women?

Not only is STEM vitally important to keeping America globally competitive, we do not have enough people working in STEM to meet the demand. The STEM field needs a bigger workforce: women need to be a major part of it. More about Women in STEM.

Making WAVEs (Women Academics Valued and Engaged in STEM) 

The Center for Women & Work is delighted to announce that the National Science Foundation has awarded a $3.5 million, 5 year grant to UMass Lowell for ‘Making WAVES’ — an initiative to increase diversity and inclusion in STEM fields.  The grant is an institutional transformation grant and the project will be led by the CWW.

Making Waves (Women Academics Valued and Engaged in STEM) is designed to promote an institutional environment that supports STEM faculty from underrepresented groups to achieve their highest potential.