Sarvenaz Ghaedi

Sarvenaz Ghaedi

Master's with Thesis Student

Kennedy College of Sciences
Biological Sciences

Research Interests

Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Cancer genomics


  • B.S. Cell and Molecular Biology (2021), University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


I am a Master's student in Biological Science with a specialization in Bioinformatics in Rachel Melamed's lab. My background in cell and molecular biology led me to focus on computational analysis aspects, and I am enthusiastic about utilizing programming languages such as Python and R, Unix-based systems, and bioinformatics tools for data analysis.

Selected Publications

Rabiee F, Lachinani L, Ghaedi S, Nasr-Esfahani MH, Megraw TL, Ghaedi K. (2020). New insights into the cellular activities of Fndc5/Irisin and its signaling pathways. Cell & Bioscience, 2020 Mar 30, 10:51. PMID: 32257109; PMCID: PMC7106581.

Selected Presentations

"Interfering Molecular Network Mechanisms Responsible for Learning and Memory associated with Diabetes through Bioinformatics Analysis." Cognitive Informatics in Health and Biomedicine symposium, University of Isfahan.