UMass Lowell, IBM Co-sponsor Annual INFORMS Event

MSB Asil Oztekin

Asst. Prof. Asil Oztekin has agreed to serve as the chair of INFORMS 2016.


Asst. Prof. Asil Oztekin of the Operations and Information Systems department served as co-chair of the 2015 Data Mining and Analytics Workshop put on by the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) on Oct. 31 in Philadelphia.  

With more than 10,000 registered members, INFORMS is the world’s largest organization of researchers in the field of operations research and management science. Its annual conference is the most prestigious in the field, attracting nearly 5,000 participants each year. IBM was the sole industry sponsor of the workshop, while UMass Lowell was the sole academic sponsor.

“This brought significant visibility to the school at such an international gathering,” Oztekin says.

The workshop was organized into three sections: Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, and Quality, Statistics and Reliability Sections of Informs. The workshop hosted two parallel tracks with seven sessions in total, in which 25 papers were presented. 

In line with the theme of the workshop, Oztekin is also co-editing the Annals of Operations Research’s special volume on Data Mining and Analytics. After this year’s workshop, Oztekin agreed to serve as the chair of INFORMS 2016.