Emeriti Professors Intergenerational Connection (EPIC)

The Solomont School of Nursing Donna Manning Research Program is conducting the Emeriti Professors Intergenerational Connection (EPIC) to Enhance Students’ Academic and Life Trajectory Goals: Using the PEACE Model to Address AFU Principles, 2022-2023 (Gautam, Melillo, & Abdallah, 2022)
  • Design and implement an online intergenerational activity involving emeritus professors and students in HSCI 3060 Introduction to Gerontology course, 
  • Measure the effectiveness of an intergenerational classroom activity on students’ attitudes toward older adults, aging anxiety, and focus on lifespan, career, and academic trajectories, and 
  • Explore the experiences of emeriti professors in engaging online with students. 

Engaging Emeriti in Mentoring for Intergeneration Learning (EEMIL) Program

The Engaging Emeriti in Mentoring for Intergeneration Learning (EEMIL) Program, established by a Collaborative Mentoring Grant, aims are to: 
  • serve as mentoring ambassadors to other faculty in identifying and recognizing the value and opportunity that emeriti can offer to students and faculty in areas of teaching, research/scholarship, and service;
  • promote enhanced age-inclusivity across campus by involving emeriti and UML LIRA; and 
  • organize workshops and panel discussions for pre-/near retirement faculty to discuss retirement planning and what emeritus status might mean for continued engagement with the university.