By Mai Nguyen

The Inclusive Identity Project goal is to deliver an inclusive, respectful, seamless, and welcoming experience for all students. The initiative is brought to you by the Registrar, Multicultural Affairs, Information Technology and University Relations.

UML has an option for students to add a chosen campus name, and now UML students can opt to add their pronouns to their student record. Pronouns indicate how a person wants to be referred to. These enhancements were made so Advisors, Faculty, and Staff can communicate with students using their chosen name and pronoun. These fields are fully optional and can be self-edited by students at any time.

Please note: future enhancements of practices and systems in support of the project goal are planned.

Answers to student questions:

  • What pronouns can students select in the Student Information System (SiS)? He/him, he/she (he/him & she/her), he/they (he/him & they/them), he/ze (he/him & ze/hir), she/her, she/they (she/her & they/them), she/ze (she/her & ze/hir), they/them, they/ze (they/them & ze/hir), and ze/hir
  • How can students update pronouns in SIS? Login to SiS, click on Personal Information and then click on Pronouns to make your selection. Selecting pronouns is optional and not required in SiS.
  • Where will pronouns appear in SIS? Class Rosters, Grade Rosters, and Advising, Faculty, and Department Center Reports. Selected pronouns will also appear in Blackboard.

Faculty and staff also have the option to identify pronouns in Zoom, your uml.edu web bios and your email signature.

Read more about pronouns.
Reminder: as previously rolled out as part one of the Inclusive Identity Project, students can make decisions about their Chosen Name, Campus Name and Degree Name as well.

Read more about the Inclusive Identity Project.