By Sara Marks
Academic Video Online (AVON) is a collection of more than 84,000 videos across a variety of disciplines. Some of their channels include CNN content, BBC Landmark productions, Film Platform documentaries, and PBS programming. You can also see films distributed by Sony Pictures Classics.
Global Newsstream is a set of databases that includes the International Newsstream and Canadian Newsstream sources. If you’re looking for news coverage from international sources, this collection will help you find newspapers, newswires, blogs, and more.
U.S. Newsstream includes premium U.S. news content with some archives going back to the 1980s. You can search transcripts of major news programs such as 60 Minutes. It includes the largest collection of local and regional newspapers like The Lowell Sun (with coverage as recent as 2019), as well as major national newspapers like The Wall Street Journal.
You can find these and other resources on our Databases page on our library website. If you have questions about how to use these to find content, our Librarians are happy to help! Use Ask A Librarian to connect with us.